Chapter One

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2:30 am.

*Baby Max crying for the third
Time tonight*

Once I heard Max cry I was out of bed in no time going next door to feed him again.

Max is my four month old son I had with the worlds youngest billionaire Erich Blunt. He looks just like his father expect he has brown hair instead of blond. But their eyes are the same.

I picked Max up from his crib turned around to walk to the big soft chair I had in his nursery and sat down pulling my shirt up to breastfeed my boy.
He latched on quickly letting me know he was hungry. I couldn't help but stare at him while he's eating. He reminds me so much of Erich. Max has his father's eyes, his cute nose and that little grin he always do when he gets his way.

I wonder how Erich is doing?!

12:00 pm

Erich Blunt's POV

I been trying to find (Y/n) since the day we slept together. That was the best night of my life, having this beautiful women in my arms after watching her for almost two years. And one year of her working for me.

I will admit when I first seen (Y/n) was at this coffee cafe across from the company I own. It was love at the first sight, now usually I don't believe in love until I seen (Y/n).

After years of trying to get together she agreed to work for me to the night I expressed my feelings for her after a few glasses of wine we shared when we had dinner at my place. Then we kissed and made love. But when I woke up the next morning I turned and seen she left not only I panicked but also punched a hole in the wall.

After month and months trying to have her be in my life permanently I have her for one damn night and shes gone the morning I wake up.


I turn my head to see the private detective I hired to find her since the business is getting more and more successful I couldn't do it on my own.

"What did you find?" I asked him. Nervous to hear what he has.

He sat down in front of my desk. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone.

Mainly Cindy!

"Well not only I found her but according to the hospital records she has a four month old son as well ."

Wait a baby? Did she sleep with someone else? After our night together?

"This is scary to tell you, Mr Blunt. The child's name is Maxwell Nathaniel Blunt. It seems you are the father".

I wasn't mad, furious is more like it. How can she leave without telling me she was pregnant, mainly it's my baby. But it's a baby we made together which warns my heart up knowing I have a child with the women I do want in my life.

I asked the detective about where they live and where she work. He replied.

"well she works at her brother's company as a receptionist in Los Angeles which is a few hours from here. Own a small apartment with two bedrooms and one bathroom which is perfect for her and your son. The apartment is paid in full by her brother so all other money goes to food, and stuff that the baby will need. And that's all Sir."

Los Angeles? That's a couple hour drive or a hour flight from here.

Either way I'm going to see them both. Meet my son and bring them both back home to me. I gotten up and thanked the detective for finding her, before he went out the door he wrote her address down and what company she works for.

I already called my pilot and told him we are going to Los Angeles for a few days knowing (Y/n) it's going to take a while to take her from where she lives now to come back to me.

While I was on the phone someone knocked on my door, me thinking its David wanting to talk about that baboon who thought I stole his code from but no. It's Cindy.

doesn't this bitch get it? I don't want to be with you, yes we fucked sometimes but doesn't mean anything. Dumb bitch.

"Erich are you ready?"

"For what?"

"We are going to Los Angeles remember? Is this a plan to get away from everyone so we can be alone? "

Please someone shoot me.!

"I have more important things to do there instead of being with a whore like you. Now get out."

I didn't care if she was crying or not what matters I get (Y/n) and my son.

3:30 pm

(Y/n)'s POV

Once I stopped feeding Max, we both went back to sleep before 6:30. I gotten dress, dressed Max In a cute onesie, packed his stuff up for him to go to my moms while my brother and I got to work. Mom was shocked when I came back pregnant but she was thrilled to be having another grandchild.

I dropped Max off with my mom feeling sad to be away from my boy.

Basically I been answering phone calls for my brother and made sure he got the things he needed to be done that day. Once three clocked I left work and done some cleaning in my apartment making sure everything is perfect cause Max need to be in a clean environment.

Grocery shopping done. Apartment clean. Mom dropped Max off. So everything is done now I get to spend the weekend with my baby boy.

11:59 pm

I heard banging on my apartment door. Who could be here at this time at night.

I checked on Max making sure he did wake up thank god he didn't. The banging continue so I ran to the door and opening it about to tell then to knock it off until I seen who was knocking. And it's



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