Chapter 6.

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*Tyler's POV*

When I woke Dyl was still wrapped in my arm's. I reached my arm out to grab my phone on the table. 10:00. Well we've already missed a hour of school. There was a piece of paper on the table also, being care full not to wake sleeping Dyl, I grabbed it and read it:

Tyler and Asher,

I'm up at the office won't be back till late. Dad should be on a late shift. Sorry to leave you two alone for the 2nd night on the run- Just try not to kill each other! Money's on the counter if you can't be bothered to cook.

Love Mum, xxx

P.S- Tyler NO parties. xxx

I laughed as I read the last sentence. That party was amazing, it was so worth the trouble I got into afterward's. Honestly, It was amazing. Well I don't remember much of it, I was so drunk, but everyone told me of how epic it was and the pictures of facebook looked pretty good. I need to throw another one soon like, havn't had a good party in ages. Might get Dale to throw it, I'd be grounded for the rest of my life if I had another party.

'What's so funny?' Dyl asked, his voice thick with sleep.

'Just mum, telling me I can't have a party'

'What a wise woman' Dyl said with a yawn. 'What time is it?'

'10:00' I told him.

'Do we have to go to school?' 

I laughed and kissed him. 

'I'm taking that as a no' He said kissing me back. 

I lent in to kiss him again but his phone rang. I had a feeling it was Scott wondering were Dyl was. Scott. As much as I try I can't hate the kid, I can't hate something my Dyl love's. I cant even force my self to hate him. Even though I know he hate's me, he dos'nt even try to hide that fact, the strongest feeling's I can up with for him is just dislike. But he make's my Dyl happy, I can't dislike him for that. I sighed and Dyl looked up at me with concern in his eye's.

'I love you to Scott'

Hearing that broke me. I know he love's him, but to hear him actually say it was another thing. I slid my arm out from under him and jumped over him, running to the bathroom. I had'nt even shut the door and I was crying. Sinking to the floor, closing the door as I sat down, I just let the pain sallow me up. I know I was the one to tell him Dyl loved Scott, but he did'nt have to say it right in front of me. Dylan dons't even love me yet. Will he ever love me? Or will Scott  alway's have his heart. This is was I get for falling in love with my brother. It's either the work of Karma or God. Seeing as I don't believe in the 'big man upstair's' I could only guess it was Karma. But is'nt Karma only for people who have done bad thing's? I havn't done anything wrong. I only fell in love. Fell in love with my brother. 

'Ty. Open the door. I'm sorry Ty' Dyl said from the other side of the door. He sounded hurt. Great. I've hurt him. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I don't like seeing him hurt let alone being the one doing the hurting.

'I'm sorry Ty.'

I ignored him. I knew I was hurting him. But I could'nt face seeing him right now. I just could'nt.

'I know your listening. I'm just going to say what I want to say then I'll go away. I'm sorry you had to hear that, He said it to me first so what else could I have said? And it's true. I love Scott. It's not as much as I did before but I still love him. But I don't want to lose what we have. I mean, I get if you don't want to continue, but if that's what you choose, I'll deal with it' He was on the edge of tear's now. 'I'm s-sorry' He sobbed. Good going Tyler you've made him cry. Wiping my eye's I stood up and opened the door. Dylan stumbled into me as he was leaning on it to speak to me. I grabbed hold of him to stop him from falling over, once Dyl had steadied him self. I didn't let go.

'Do you hate me?' 

'Dyl I could never hate you. Not ever' 


Very short chapter purely because I hav'nt got the effort and people keep telling me to upload.
I promise longer chapter next time.

I think this chapter is really cute... What do you think Tyler should do? And do you like Scott?

Check out my new boyxboy 'You are perfection'  

Vote and Comment. Or Dyl will cry.

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