Chapter 9.

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*Tyler’s POV*

I can’t even look at Dylan and Scott without wanting to be sick. Seeing his arms around my Dyl like that makes me physically sick. I watched as Scott lent in for a kiss. I couldn’t. I can’t. I slammed my locker shut and turned away. I’d took about two steps before I ran into someone.

“Come Tyler, you don’t need to see this” Jensen said pulling me away. He dragged me into the boy’s toilets.  “Everyone in here, fucking get out.” He shouted.

 3 Year 8 boys ran out looking terrified. Jensen locked the toilet doors after the last person ran out. As soon as he finished he pulled me into a tight hug. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t, the tears wouldn’t fall. Why did I ever tell him he could have Scott as well as me?  That’s right, because I’ll let Dylan have everything, no matter the cost. Sometimes I wish we’d go back to the way we used to and ‘hate’ each other. Pretending to hate him was much less painful than this.

“You need to tell him”

“Tell who what?”

“Dylan. You need to tell him, he needs to choose. He can’t have both of you. “Jensen told me. Even though I’d just been thinking the exact same thought moments before, it still hurt. I shook my head.

“Don’t you see what it’s doing to you? What he’s doing to you?”

I stayed silent.

“He has you wrapped around his little finger so fucking tight, and you’re completely oblivious to it. You’ve always more or less given everything he wanted, even when you ‘hated’ each other. Always. He knows you’ll bend over backwards to give him anything. Dylan’s a fucking devious basted”

I reached out of the hug and slapped Jensen on the cheek. “Don’t you dare call him that! You have no idea how he feels. He’s torn at the moment. Torn between two people who he should never have to choose from. His older brother, and his best mate. Put yourself in his shoes Jensen, what would you do?”

Now it was his turn to stay silent.

“Exactly. You wouldn’t know. So don’t you dare try and imply that Dylan’s just using me to get something because he’s not. He’s the one that hated me, not the other way around remember. You weren’t there when he was crying over the two of us. You weren’t the one who had to hold him and tell him it will be okay. You weren’t the one who had to tell the person you love, he can see somebody else”

That was it then. I broke down. Without my consent, tears began streaming down my face and along my cheek.

Jensen smiled slightly. “I didn’t mean any of that. I knew you need to get a lot of your chest so I said it. I know you love him, I know how much it hurt rights now and I’m sorry”

He pulled me into another tight hug and let me stain his white school shirt with my salty tears.

“Do you love him?”

I nodded.

“More than Scott loves him?”

I nodded again. “Yes, because I’ve never let him go”

“There you go then. Fight for him. Tell him this, or you’ll have to live this pain for the rest of your live”

“But it doesn’t matter if I love him the most.  When it comes down to it, I’m his brother. We can never be together the same way as Scott and him can. We’ll always be looked down upon in society. Always thought of as sick minded. Hardly anyone will see that I love him”

 “Well that’s just something you two are just going to have to overcome, yes people won’t accept you, but there are people that will”

I shook my head. “I’m not putting him through that. I don’t want him to be looked down upon in society. I want him to be happy, and if that means I’ll have to give him up that I’ll do it. I don’t want him to choose, so I’m going to choose for him. Him and Scott will have the happier life together.

Jensen opened his mouth to speak.

“You can’t change my mind” I told him walking out the bathroom.


The last bell of school rang, normally I love it when schools over, but not today. Not when I have to break up with Dylan.

I waited outside his form class so I could drive him home. Scott and him walked out last, hand in hand laughing loudly. Once Dylan saw me, he let go of Scott’s hand gently and walked towards me.  I dropped my gaze from his eyes. I don’t want to have to have to let him go, but it’s what’s right. Brothers can’t be together.

Dyl gave Scott a goodbye kiss, but this time I forced myself to watch even though it pained me. I’m going to let him go. I’ve got to watch the reason why I need to let him go.

I was quiet the whole car ride home, not because I didn’t want to speak, but Dylan wouldn’t let me get a word in edgeways. He was telling me excitedly about his day and everything that happened to him. I only half listened really, my mind was elsewhere.

I pulled up to the driveway of our house.

“Where’s mum and dad?”

I shrugged “Work, probably, do you have a key?”

Dylan nodded and opened the door, as soon as I’d crossed the threshold of the house and shut the door, Dylan’s lips were one mine, and his arms wrapping around me.

As much as it pained me, I had to push him off. Dylan looked up at me slightly hurt.

I closed my eyes tightly.

“What’s wrong Ty?” Dylan asked, stroking the side of my face gently.

“We can’t be together” I whispered softly.

The stroking stopped, and Dylan began crying. I reached out to wipe away a tear, but he pushed my hand away.

“Don’t touch me.”

I watched as slowly he broke down in to hysterics. There’s only one time I’ve ever seen him like this, and it hurt back then. Now, it was just torture.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted-

“Was this all just a joke to you? I fell for you. I fell for you so hard. I was starting to fall in love you and you just tell me we can’t be together? Was this your plan? To hurt me?”  He spat at me looking right into my eyes.  “Don’t you ever speak to me again”

Dylan pushed me out the way of the front door and ran out.

I fell against a wall and cried.

What did I do that for? It’s only just happened and I already regret it.


Sorry it's been so long from my last update, I've just been really busy lately.

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this.

Do you still love Tyler? and why?

And what are your views on Dylan? And Jensen?  

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