Chapter Ten

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It has been almost two weeks since the incident with Hook happened, and I've been trying hard to not even look at him.

But he is irresistible. It's hard to not respond in any way to his constant apologies and flirtation.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a figure standing in my doorway, arms crossed.


The figure stepped closer, seeming almost amused. I raised an eyebrow as it touched my arm.

It chuckled. It wasn't Hook. "Who are you?"

Without so much as a response, it pulled me out of my room and onto the deck before I could protest.

It stopped, and I ran into it's back. I touched my nose. Somehow it wasn't broken.

I looked up to see the figure looking up at the speckled skies above us both. It was beautiful. I looked back at the figure to find that he had ruffled, black hair and looked maybe two or three years younger than me.

"Excuse me?"

I jumped when he snapped his head back to me, his grey eyes piercing me. I tried to seem unfazed, "Who are you?"
A toothy smirk flashed across his face, and as fast as it appeared, it was gone.
Then I saw his lips move to form the word, 'Lost.' Lost? Why was he here? How did he get here?

"Are you mute?"

I saw him scowl slightly, then he slowly made his facial expression become neutral again. Without another response, he grabbed my hand and rushed to the side of the deck, toward the plank.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as he stepped on it. He kept going. "Are you killing yourself? Don't kill yourself!"

He snapped his head back toward me, haunting me again. He rolled his eyes and gestured for me to follow him onto the plank.

"I can't! You're insane."

He patted his leg, wanting me to come. I stepped forward slightly, "Why?"

Without further hesitation, he ran toward the edge and jumped right off of it confidently.

I gasped and looked over the edge. He was nowhere in sight. I didn't hear a splash, but I wasn't sure how things really worked in Neverland.

I looked everywhere. Nowhere in sight. Then...


I looked behind me - or rather - above me... And the crow's nest...

"What the heck? You scared me half to de-" I stopped talking. Nothing was beneath him. He was... Flying. What on earth was happening?

"Wha- wha-" I was speechless. I couldn't understand if I even tried.

'Jump,' he mouthed.

My eyes grew at the thought. Last time I got off of the ship and into the sea, it wasn't very fun. "No way!"

He floated back down, onto the deck. I swallowed as he held out his hand for me to take. I placed my hand warily in his, and he ran to the very tip of the plank, then jumped. When he jumped, I felt my feet in the air at the same time.
I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened them when I didn't feel water splash and cling onto my skin.

I looked around, and we were both in the air, his hand squeezing mine so I stayed up with him. Could I have flown this whole time while in Neverland? I would've flown away a long time ago.

I looked down, seeing the water a mile from our feet. My stomach flipped at least twenty times. I screeched as we flew higher and higher.

I looked at the boy, whom was flashing his toothy smile at me again.

"Where are you taking me?"

He looked forward, without responding.
I felt the cold air suddenly burst into warm, soothing air, rushing past my skin and pushing my hair behind my face. I squinted, the dark sky slightly lighter than before.

I heard the leaves of palm trees sway in the wind; a haunting sound.

I looked at the water. Once a black ocean, it looked more like a clear sea.

I then heard the sound of waves crashing against rocks. Both of the sounds combined made a soft lullaby, hushing me to sleep. I closed my eyes, forgetting about the fact that I was flying to an unknown island in Neverland with a boy that I never met, whom claimed to be lost.


I am sooo sorry, everyone, that I haven't updated any of my books for a long time, but... How do you like this chapter? It was probably my favorite one to write in this book, so please leave comments, and vote! :)

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