Cole [Closed]

29 3 22

Name: Cole Brooks

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Cole is usually a really calm, gentle, sweet, and childish guy, but do something to piss him off, he'll turn into a demon. He loves to make people happy, even it means him not getting anything in return.

Likes: Dogs, chocolate, running, and cuddling.

Dislikes: Cats, annoying people, sour things, and being alone.

Other: His wolf is a large dark grey wolf with light grey markings and bright blue eyes.

You were walking home from a long day at school when you see something laying in the middle of the road. You walk closer to it, seeing that it was a wolf. It looked like it's leg was broken and it had tons of other marks and scratches scattered all over. You decide to rescue the wolf and take it home, cleaning up it's wounds. You set the wolf on the couch and go to bed. You wake up the next morning and walk to the living room, seeing a human man laying where the wolf was.... And the man was completely naked. What do you do?

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