Mary and Dallas

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There once was a kid named Mary. She had a crush on a boy named Dallas. Dallas had a HORRIBLE condition called 'repfecitis'. The condition made it so that your rectum would never stop shooting feces out of it. Mary was the only person that actually LIKED the condition. She loved the smell and wished she could smell like Dallas.

One day, Dallas' diaper overflowed and he didn't notice. Mary was sitting behind him and staring at it. Dallas went to itch his bum and his hand got covered in feces.

"Oh my god, Dallas!", the teacher yelled when she saw the feces on his palm, "Go to the bathroom and clean up right this instant!"

Dallas felt very embarrassed and stood up to go to the bathroom. Mary objected,"Don't get rid of the smell! I like it."

"You are being ridiculous. I'm calling your mother.", the teacher said.

Mary pulled a giant booger out of her nose and argued, "But then I can't smell Dallas' magic anymore."

The teacher said, "Stop it, you are being disgusting. Actually, forget what I said. I love it too!" She smiled really big and...let it rip.

The entire class started laughing and Dallas just ended up sitting in his own feces for Mary's and the teacher's pleasure.

THE END!!! Unless you want more. Comment what you want... haha. : )

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