If any of you want me to do something specific, a certain page or someone you want me to do a quotes page on, just write on my profile or send me a private message, I'm happy to respond to requests :)
Also all copyright privilages belong to the rightful owners, I don't own any of the quotes that feature in this.
Oh yeah and also I have to edit out 'bad words' I know its irritating when you see 'f*ck' but I don't want people to get offended or whatever.
Given To Me By The Awesome Rhiann1997:
Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen any mooses?"
Mikey: "That isn't the plural of moose. It's moosi."
Gerard: "F*ck off, it's meese."
Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen a flock of meese advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight. They aren't small creatures. You would just run off like a girl or a boy. What does running like a girl mean anyway?"
Mikey: "I've seen one. I'd run like a girl for sure. They're massive. If you run over one you're f*cked. They come in through your windscreen kicking... just like in Long Kiss Goodnight! But I think it was a reindeer. Same diff."
Bob: "People think that moose are really gentle and goofy but they aren't; they're f*cking animals."
Frank Iero and Bob Bryar:
Bob : "Oh Gerard... Gerard, you make my heart burn."
Frank : "It's called Gerardopoly." - In reference to Bob Bryar's solo project.
While In An Interview:
Cat or Dog?
Everyone: "Dog"
Bob Bryar: "Cat" -Facepalm-
Interviewer Lady: You're young guys... I wanna know what's your biggest turn on?
Gerard: I'm not that young so... -Smiles Sheepishly-
Mikey: Coke Zero
Ray: Sleep
Bob: Slippers.
Frank: My fiance, that's it -All jumps on him shouting and laughing (I'm also pretty sure Mikey gets hit in the balls here- Come on! I needed to say it! I'm getting presents now!
Best Comic Book Superhero:
Frank: Batman... uh yeah, gotta be Batman.
Bob: Oh that's easy, Superman, because I like his cape.
Frank: Oh come on! He's such a goody two shoes idiot, you always know what's gonna f*cking happen! Like, he's gonna get hit a couple times... and that's the thing I don't understand like-
Bob: Maybe the Hulk.
Frank: Ah, alright.
Bob: Because he's green, I change it, I take it back, the Hulk... cause he will kill you.
In The Same Interview, What's the Nicest Thing Someone Has Ever Said:
Bob: Someone said to me about a year ago, 'You look skinny'
Frank: That is so superficial -laughs cutely-
Bob: No, no it's not, just cause that was something that like-... I don't even know if they were being nice, wait I take that one back...
Frank: You really should -laughs-
Bob: No it was just funny, cause I was like... that's the first time I ever heard that before in my whole life... I take that one back.
Frank: No, I'm telling you, it's gonna make... you know.
Bob: Why does that sound bad? -Looks around frowning-
Frank: Yeah, well I think, well, what about little boys that want to play drums and they look up to you then become anorexic because you say it's 'cool to be skinny'.
Bob: It's not cool, it's just something I've tried to work on -looks slightly panicked, Frank laughs-
Frank: Hold on, let me think -Bob hits him, walks away-
Interview lady: So, Frank, do you like porn?
Frank: Uh... well, yeah. Who doesn't like porn though?
Awesome Quotes, Comebacks, and Insults!
RandomLove quotes? You have come to the right place my friend. Like a lot of readers/nerds/internet addicts I am in love with some of the quotes I find from places like TV shows, books, bands, inspirational famous people, and the like. You'll find some...