CC flirting with ME?!

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The next day, I walked downstairs,  I had on a pair of sweats, an BVB tank top, and my fading neon blue hair, was put into a loose ponytail, and I had a small hangover, from last night...  Ashley and I had a little celebrartion. Haha...  Not sex...  HA!

"Hey, May!  Good morning!!!!!!"  CC shouted at me, as I reached the bottom of the stairs, holding my forehead.

"Hey...."  I said, with a little pain.

"Ashley...."  Andy said, sternly.

"Yeeeessss?"  Ashley replied all inocent.

"Did you get May DRUNK?  Last night?"  

"A little...  We just had a little cele-"  Ashley was cut off, by CC getting up, and slapping him upside the head, and I blinked and I bursted out laughing.

"OOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!  WHAT THE FUCK COMA?!"  Ashley screamed, at CC.

CC picked me up, and put me over his shoulder, delibratly making me dizzy, and making my headache WORSE.  

"Vrrrooooom! Vrrrrooooooommmm!"  CC yelled, running around, with me still over his shoulder, and I was pounding on his back, to let me down.


"Havin'  fun?!"  CC asked, as he tripped and I fell ontop of him, and our lips clashed together.

"HOLY CRAP!!!!"  I  screamed, and I broke the kiss, both of our eyes were wide, in both amzement, and embarresment.

"Oh..  Uhmmmmm... "  CC retorted, ans he slid me off of him, and he was blushing, as I got up and walked inside, and CC followed me, but he quickly sat back on the couch. 

I started to walk upstairs, but Andy stopped me.  "Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me?  Not like a date....  Oh well... DERRRR!!  Not a date!!!"  He said, as we both laughed.


I asked May to go to the Mall with me, "Yeah, sure... why not?"

"Cool, why dont you go get ready, and as soon as youre done, we cacn go to the mall!!"   I said, as she was happily running up the stairs. 

About 20 minutes later, May came down, with A BVB shirt, waith my face on it, Neon Blue skinny jeans, A headband wrapped around her fading neon blue hair, a white converse on her left foot, and blue converse on her right foot, her hair had been brushed, but it was naturally straght, and it looked hella great, damaged. Haha!  And when she closer to me, she had her eyes outlined with blue eyeliner, and her eyebrows were done, in neon blue, like her hair.  She looked awesome, and she had a small tattoo in her neck,  It was, 'Unforgiven'.  Wow...  I made a heart with my hands as she came down "<3"  And she jumped the last two steps, and I unconditiononally caught her, and set her back down.

"Ready to go?"  I asked her, and she was blushing a little.

"Yeeerrruuuuup."  She replied. Starting to walk to the door.

"IM HEADIN OUT WITH MAY!!!  WERE GOIN TO THE MALL....  BE BACK WHENEVER!!"  I called to the guys, and the yelled back.


Me and May walked to the car, May climbed into the passenger seat, and climbed into the driver's seat, we startede down the road, and I turned on the radio, and "Saviour" came on.

"I WILL ALWAYS BE THEEEEEEERE!!  YYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed, and May giggled, and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hey!  Dont judge!!"  I said, as we arrived at the mall.  And she laughed her ASS off.

"Where'd you wanna go first?"  I asked as we got out of the car.

"TOP TOPIICCCCCCCCC!!!"  She screamed as she ran to the front door, and I ran after her, and passed her, and ran to hottopic and she followed me shortly after.


I was in hottopin and I looked around And finally went up to the cash register with; A gir wallet, 5 BVB shirts, A BOTDF novelty razor neckalace, A BVB star neckalace, A BVB HAt, A Suicide Silence Tank top, 4 pairs of neon skinny jeans, A pair of batman headphones, A batman alarm clock, A batman figurine, A MLP Rainbow Dash shirt that said 20% cooler, A JEffree Star pink Hat that said BITCH in the inside of the bill, and 2 batman masks for me and Andy.  The tottally cosst, was like, 190$, and Andy happily paid for it. 

We walked out, with lie, 10 fuckin bags FULL of shit.  And I reached in one of the bags, and got out the two masks, and handed one to Andy, "He ya go, Man Boy..."  I said and giggled.

"Haha! Awesome thanks!!!" andy said, putting on our masks.

And we went running around the mall screaming, "NANANANANANANANANANANANANANAAAA BBBAAATTTTMMMAAANNN!!!"   , and "I . AM .BATMAN . BIIITTTTCCCHHHHEEESS!!"  After a while of doing that, we got kicked out, and Andy and I put our middles fingers out to the Mall cop, and said, "FUCK YOU TOO!!"  And we went runnin to Andy's car, Hopping in  and speeding out of the parking lot, and we reached the house.

"WE ARE BACK BIIIITTTCCCHHHHHHHHEEEEEEESSSSS!!!"  And screamed, and CC, came running and pounced on me, and I blushed.

"What the FUCK?!"  Andy said, aas I was on the ground with a CC on me.

"I dont know???"  I said, and CC picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room, and I had all of the bags in my hands.

"SOOOOOO,,,  Whatcha buuuuuuy?"  CC asked, snooping through one of the bags, to find a pair of boxxers that said, 'Fuck You' Written across the butt.

"GIVE THOSE BACK CC!!"  I said snatching them back.

"Why do you have Boxers???  Are you secretly a guy?!" He said, looking at my chest.

"NO!!!"  I said laughing.

"WHY THEN?!"  

"I liked them..."  I said sticking my tongue out at him.  and he pounced on me again.

Holy shit...  CC's flirting with me.  HE HAS FEELINGS FOR MEEEE!!!  FANGIRLING!!! 

"Awwwwe....  That''s so cute"   He said, as he saw me blushing.

"Blah! Blah! Blah!"  I retorted, and got up, and started but my batman shit on my shelves.

"HOLY SHIT!! MAKE SURE ANDY DONT SEE THOSE!!!"  CC said, as he was laughing, and I laughed eith him.

"Kk."  I said with a smile.  And admiring my hat.  "HOLY SHIT!!!  I LOVE THIS FUCKING HAAT!!"  I said making a hat with my hands.  "<3"

"Oh my fucking god!!!  you are soooo cute!"  He said, as he wrapped my arms around me, and noticing a tattoo on my neck.  "Holy shit!  you have a tattoo!!!!!"  He said asa he moved my hair out of the way, to reveal my, 'Unforgiven' tattoo.

"Yeah..."  I said with a sigh, and sat on mhy bed, after I was down my stuff away,  I still had my hat on too.

"Whats wrong?????"  

"Its just...  I ve had this tattoo even since I first snuck out of the adoption facility....  And I got one of my bestfriends to help me get hit."  I said, touching my finger on it.

"Well...  It looks badass."  He said, with a smile and hugged me, and slowly, pecked my lips.  I blushed sooooo  hard, god damnit.....

"Yeah..."  I said getting up, and walking out of my room, and back downstairs, to see, a drunk Ashley clinging onto a drunk Andy.



MAY ---------------------------------->

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