Running Errands

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I left Riana's house late, around 12. It was late Sunday, so my mom shouldn't care who what when where or why I was out late. Obviously that's not the case. The next morning and 2 hours of a lecture and a half later from mom she finally let me out. Our neighbor, she is such a liar. she told my mom that I zoomed out the driveway and sped off quickly, revving the engine while pulling onto the street. She usually doesn't let me off this easy when I sneak around do things she is uncomfortable with me doing. to me, cars are meant to be driven. seeing a beautiful car like this sitting and doing nothing is wasteful. you know how your mom keeps saying the same thing, over and over, I don't want to sound like I'm fussing at you but you have to remember where that car came from and take care of it, because its a special car that came from your uncle's storage, so I'm just letting you know, even though you know, don't give off the impression to your neighbors that you are going to be reckless in our valuable car. okay?" and many more.

I went to the school and grabbed papers for my next test in my career classes in college. during my short-term visit, I saw my friends, a video of me bullying Henry on world star, and Henry himself. He had to wear a face mask because of his nose, and he told me he had a concussion. when he walked up to me, people began to walk slower, and more cellphones were in more people's hands. the first thing I noticed with Henry was his shirt, in big letters, it said "free zur". Henry saw me looking at it, and immediately struck up a conversation.

Hey man, hey guys! look who's back! the superstar himself. are you off your suspension? because I wasn't ever going to take it off until you came back from it.
well you got till next Monday to wear it, cause I'm only here to get some paperwork.
he walked closer to me, and with the mask on his face I couldn't tell if he was angry or happy or sad. he came in closer and asked to talk to me in private. of course I accepted. while taking the scenic route to the football field, he sounded thankful, and depressed, sort of like he was going to cry, but showed no signs of it. he told me that he was in a lot of pain when they pulled me off of him, and that he didn't think that I would react that way. he also said that his actions towards her were unacceptable, and he apologized. he said that his nose injury was settled but his concussion is holding him back from playing basketball for two weeks. of course I apologized after hearing that but he said he deserved it. "if she would have charged me with rape or assault or whatever my career would have more than just a dent in for two weeks, more like 5 years or more, right?" I replied yes but she didn't think that you needed any more punishment from what I did to you. I explained to him how I kept in contact with her, sort of, and he thought the same thing as me- she is a creep. little did I know that Henry and I shared so much in common. he asked me how do I avoid being a jock and being popular with such a name in the country. I told him to never hang around people who do not act like him; he needs some one like him in his life. we shook hands on arriving to the locker rooms, he left, and I went to football practice.

The biggest surprise of my life was walking onto the field with my practice uniform on and seeing Riana waving to me. How did she know ill be here? may the world ever know. does the world wanna know? well I don't know about y'all but I surely do. Things are really getting scary between us, but to ignore the rudeness in me I give an awkward wave back and looked away. Having her, as the only girl in the stands was weird because the team started instigating and saying you is my hero in the huddle. Eventually I got mad, and tried to lay every offensive player on their butt. on my zone play I read the run and screamed blitz and laid the tackle on his behind, and team tackled the running back with our fastest linebacker, Ray. The running back, is my best friend, Mill so I look at him with a wussy face and say sorry, tell your quarter back to boost on a pass play. He laughed and said you are my hero. I was really getting frustrated. I ended the practice knocking the wind out of the quarter back, 4 fumbles, 7 tackles, three were on pass plays to the right side of the field, I'm on the left, and the rest were simple runs. After a shower I make sure that Riana was still there by the time I got out she waited in her car, it started to drizzle. She met me in the parking lot, with a "hi!". don't you hi me! explain yourself. why is your presence being witnessed by my eyes? on my school? no, of course I did not say that aloud, but I wanted to. hey, how did you know I was here? I didn't I just came to your football teams practice to see what its about, and surprisingly you are practicing during your suspension. so I should be the surprised one here. then I immediately thought about how she could be hear for someone else, instead of me. there was a huge sigh of relief for just hypothesizing the terrible theory, because it sounded like a blessing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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