Calling Audibles

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I had a nice evening. she told me a lot about her as if she expected me to remember all of it, or as if she planned on having a future with me. She's 24 years old, she co-owns a clothing store, she is preparing to go to college for neuroscience, and she pays no bills in her apartment. She wants to be funny, and fails terribly at it and reads alot. She also went to my higshschool, which drew suspicion, and self concern, because i didnt go to a good school. West Bush high was a very scary school. Most of the murders you here in Brunswick, Ga that included teens, usually came from my school. I went there from freshmen to senior, and now I learn that the girl on the announcements who says " have a nice day or not, the choice is yours" is Riana? I would be the coolest person alive if I knew her then, but of course, I did not. She is a good cook, i can tell from the Alfredo shrimp and salmon, which was delicious. I personally think the henny pina-colada smoothie was the best that night. After we finished eating she put in NWA for us to watch. I guess she got connects because i didn't know it was on dvd. Her long three part couch, the suede that brings back memories of writing on it with your fingers to make the colors look different, the black cushions with the embedded stripes, brought back alot of memories. I fell asleep maybe thirty minutes into the movie. It was 9:55 when she woke me up, so I was not staying the night. Oh happy joy I went home with a biography, a number to keep, and a full stomach. Still, i had doubts in my head for her. i never really liked her after she snitched, but her head is going the same direction as mine, so she could be a good companion. I still feel like she is planning something.

The next day, i do my early morning jog, drink a protein shake, and lift my weights. My coach calls me and tells me to come to practice.
Yea, Adrian? Where are you? Just cause you out of school don't mean you don't have practice
Yes, coach it does, i could get in trouble for going to practice-
Good, you are a smart kid, the athletics administrator said you could go, from permission of his higher ups
Good, I'll be there soon.
Practice goes 3 hours for everyone so i was at practice till 3. First two hours were cardio and muscle, the third we went over tactics to beat our next opponents; the Decatur badgers. After practice me and my closest friends went to the mall, and posted up. Of course after we showered.
Yo Joe!
Wassup bro?
You been missing out man, that basketball player that you beat up? He's been wearing "free zur"shirts and fucking worshipping you, broken nose and all!
Yea well he is sorry for his actions and think my suspension was wrong, so he's doing right by me.
Mill and i also been digging up your whereabouts, these past couple days, seems like you got a 150k car huh?
Oh yea, and you were at the hill with the white folks? You never go over there, right Mill?
Yea, he was with that girl who snitched on him, weren't you?
Well go ahead tell the world my life story.
No man, you're famous, the fans, the paparazzi, those people watching caught you not us.
Well don't tell me, cause that's just weird-
Well that's the road you're going down, top 20 prospect in the country!
It sounds cool but keeping that title is hard work. It's nothing to brag about-
That's everything to brag about!! Dude, you have respect from some of the greatest players in your position, and you are awesome at playing football!
Yeah whatever, ill keep that in mind.
As we race to the mall, we speak to familiar faces, unfamiliar faces speak to us, and cut around the corner where bath and body Works is, and start walking towards our spot. Unsurprisingly, Riana is sitting there. In the middle of a conversation, i make quick right into the Spencers, And the guys look at me like I'm crazy. Guess they didn't see the crazy one at our table. Now i don't know if it's coincidence, or she has really been sitting at our spot since who knows when, but there is no reason either way that she is sitting there. I tell the guys to come in, before she sees them
Dude, wassup? You acting all weird, man the spots right there let's go
That's the problem. The girl, from the party,
The snitch is at our table? Ahh that's rad-
You got a female stalker, she's obsessed with you, you mine as well let her in your life.
You guys don't understand, i was at her house yesterday-
So you disappeared to Mrs.stalker's house, that explains that mark on your neck
What mark? This was football man, she didn't touch me yesterday, and i would have noticed.
Well obviously you didn't, because i saw it before you changed for your first hour.
Well now you have to confront her, she might have tagged you bro, and i ain't ready to die.
Go man, you have to make her leave-
No i have the perfect idea. You guys ask her why she's here if she says to see me, tell her i had to leave early to help out my mom, and when she leave ill come out.
Of course it didn't work, when they told her i had to leave, mill said that i stopped in sPencers to get something. When Josh texted me, it was too late.
We ran into each other as i was leaving.
Oh hey! How are you?
Just delightful.
Heard you had to make a run, i guess you're in a hurry.
Yea no actually im not going to help my mom, my brother is gonna help her.
Well great! You wanna come over my house?
Well i actually planned on chilling on my corner-
Are you sure? You wouldn't want to miss out, i'm sure your bros would understand.
Do you still have my key?
Never gave me one
Yes i did, last night i put one in your pockets, oh that's right you were sleep. oh yea whats up with this mark on my neck? Were you taking advantage of me? Ill get a DNA test on me, i will, so tell the truth.
Of course not. Maybe you're allergic to something in my house. Why would i do that to a stranger? Would you?
No of course not, but still that is suspicious.
You right, check your jacket pocket for my key, and come over when you free, okay?
We'll see.
A beintot.
Dude you was twitching, she got you wrapped around her finger
No she doesn't, if anything i got her on mines,
You were very motion-full, i mean i understand if you had to use the bathroom but, you didn't go yet-
I'm not bagged bro, chill out, we got other things to worry about than my personal life, okay? Somehow someway, i need to get her away from me. So i planned to tell her that night that i did not really like her. Well i tried to tell her, and that was an ultimate fail. Telling her no is submissive, and seductive, even when i was being serious, my words were disregarded, and her internal feelings were showing. I spent three hours, trying to decide how i should break this good bad news to her. Riana, you're creepy. Riana, i have to stay focused. I don't like you, can you leave me alone, bon' voyage, etc.,etc.,etc. None of it worked. Trying to do her down is like a counter play gone wrong. If i could tell myself then to not even break a guy's nose, i would. I got to her apartment, and i open Riana's apartment door. Its so quiet, it was like the ac turning off in the classroom during a test, though i hear the shower running, i assume she's taking a shower. I sit down, and concentrate, go over what i plan to say, and start rubbing my temples to relieve my head of pressure. Before i knew Riana was a crazy bitch i just thought that she would understand. I didn't think it would hurt her feelings or make her stalk me more, but it would be mutual understanding. It has been 40 minutes, since the shower has been running, so I'm getting ready to leave. I give her maybe 12 seconds to get out the shower, but it only took her five to rub my back. Riana came out of no where, with panties and a bra on, and whispered in my ear if i wanted her. Of course i said no,
No, actually go put a robe on or something, i got something to tell you.
Just tell me honey
I met you two days ago, and i already have a key to your house.
Listen i think you're a little too forward and fast on me, so don't expect me to come back over here-
Awh look at you, Mr football player can't keep up with a female, now what should we do about that?
Nothing, because i'm leaving.

Going where without a key?
She put the key in between her legs, in her underwear. I was tempted from the beginning, but i didn't need any female telling me they was pregnant, and i really didn't need no female chasing me like a lost puppy after this. But i was tempted. I was so tempted i couldn't hold back the temptation any more. After putting the key card in her panties, she got up, and walked towards me. I was frozen still, couldn't move for some reason. She kissed me, on the lips, then on the neck, the same spot with the bruise Josh and Mill was talking about, and it felt good. I brought her body closer in, and ran my hand smooth down her back, and i told her, that i didn't want anything to do with her, she replied with "do you believe that? ". Of course i didn't at that time. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to that dark corner in her hallway and opened up a slit of light which showed on the other side as her bedroom. Lit with a candle, she falls on her bed, and calls upon me to get the key. Well i guess you know what we did, that ain't a hard question to answer.

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