At Tavia's House.

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*Tavia & Bri are in Tavia's room talking about random things & Tavia's phone rings*

*Tavia's phone convo*

Tavia- Hello ?

Tavia's mom- What are you doing?

Tavia- Nothing sitting here with Bri .

Tavia's mom- Oh , call the radio station, they giving out Mindless Behavior tickets.

Tavia- Oh my GOSH! What's the number?

Tavia's mom- (313) 298-1098

Tavia- Kay. 

Tavia's mom- Alright.

Tavia- WAIT! What's the station?

Tavia's mom- FM98 WJLB.

Tavia- Thank You!

Tavia's mom- Your welcome. Okay, & hurry because you have to call in 5 minutes!

Tavia- Ok, 

Tavia's mom- Bye!

Tavia- Bye.

Will she call in to late ? When she call, will the lines be busy?  Will she win the tickets?

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