18. 21 Hours and Travelling

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Sorry for any mistakes.

Happy Reading!!


"Ariana, you ready?" I asked Ariana, walking into her room and looking around. Her room was really neat and tidy, I'm not surprised. Ariana has been the person who cleans while I make the mess.

"Yeah, I am. You?" Ariana asked, her voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see her looking at me, her eyebrows slightly risen. "Sure am." I replied to Ariana, walking past her and heading towards my room, grabbing my suitcase and carry on bag which contained my laptop, phone and purse.

"Let's go." I suggested to Ariana with a nod of my head. She agreed and opened the front door, letting me go out first. I smiled happily and thankful at her before stepping out off our apartment. I turned to wait for Ariana, she closed the door and locked it up, making sure no one enters the apartment.

I linked arms with Ariana as she did the same. We walked towards the main road, I turned to Ariana. "So, I'll call the taxi driver?" I asked, unsure of what Ariana wanted me to do. She nodded with a smile playing on her lips. I nodded and go my phone out, typing in the taxi number.

I called the taxi driver, telling them our address and they told me the price. "Taxi will be here in 5 to 10 minutes." I sighed as I walked over to the curb of the street and sat down, leaving my things with Ariana, but she soon joined me.

"What to do," Ariana mumbled to herself, sitting on the curb next to me. I gave her a small smile but I looked back down at the road, looking at the rocky coal on the ground. Ariana pulled her phone out, typing on it rapidly. "Who ya texting?" I asked, trying to look over Ariana's shoulder. "Jai."

Ariana gave me the idea of texting Beau, seeing as though Ariana was texting Jai they would all be awake or not busy. I pulled my phone out and clicked on Beau's name typing: Hey! Miss you so much! Can't wait to see you xx love you.

I sent it and not too long after, I got a reply.

Beau <3: I know, I miss you like crazy!! I love you xx can't wait to see your pretty face.

I laughed at Beau's text and smiled stupidly down at my phone. Beau and I texted more and Beau flirted more but we soon had to stop because the taxi pulled up and Beau had to go. "Ariana, let's go." I mumbled to her, shaking her shoulder a bit. I went over to get my luggage but someone beat me to it.

"Don't worry I- Chloe?"

Oh my god. Is this fucking real? Someone pinch me. He cannot be there right now. He cannot drive us. Oh my god.

"Travis? What the fucking hell?" I yelled angrily at him, pissed off that he will be driving us. "I didn't plan it, but fate did." Travis flirted, I rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance. I walked over to Ariana and whispered, "Travis is the taxi driver." Ariana looked over to Travis who was putting my things in the boot of the car, she gave me a worried expression. I sighed and grabbed her hand, heading into the car.

I sat behind the drivers seat while Ariana sat behind the passenger seat. Soon we were joined with Travis in the car. "You can sit in the passenger seat if you want." Travis suggested, winking at me through the windshield mirror. I rolled my eyes and looked outside the window. "So where to?" Travis asked us, looking at both Ariana and I through the windshield mirror. Ariana answered. "LaGuardia Airport."

Travis nodded and started the car, soon the car moving. I looked over to Ariana and rolled my eyes, using my eyes to talk to Ariana. She nodded and sighed. I grabbed my phone and went on notes typing: I really hate him.

I handed my phone to Ariana and she nodded, taping on the iPhone with her thumbs. She then handed it to me and I read the message: tell him you have a boyfriend.

I looked up at Ariana and shook my head, looking back down to the iPhone, typing: Nah, I don't want to be one of those girls where a guy says hi to them and they're like 'I have a boyfriend', its stupid.

I handed the phone back to Ariana but someone's voice stopped Ariana from typing what she needed to type. "You guys can talk you know?" Travis told us, looking at us through the windshield mirror. I looked at him through that mirror and nodded and gave him a sarcastic smile. Travis chuckled and turned a corner.

I looked over to Ariana and rolled my eyes. "You guys are talking about me, aren't you?" Travis asked not looking at us but in fact, looking at the road in front of him. "None of your business." I snapped at Travis, still keeping my glaze on Ariana not wanting to looking into those dark green eyes.

Travis laughed and shook his head, pulling up the gear handle and stopping the car, opening his car door and hopping out. He walked over to my side and opened the door, bowing down to me. I looked at him like he was the stupidest person in the world. Travis looked up at me and opened his eyes slightly, wanting me to hop out of the car. I shook my head and got grasp of the door and closed it. I then opened it, getting out of the car by myself.

I walked over to the boot of the car and Travis opened it. He went to grab my luggage but I stopped him by putting my hand over my luggage. "I got it." Travis looked at me for a while, I wasn't quite sure what he was doing and it kinda crept me out. "Stop looking at me!" I snapped, shouting in his face. Travis held his hands up defensively.

I pulled my luggage out of the boot and Travis came over to me, whispering, "Not my fault you have a pretty face." Is this guy serious? It's really getting on my nerves and I hated it. He may not know I have a boyfriend but he shouldn't flirt with girls who don't do it back.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the handle up on my suitcase, "C'mon Ariana, Travis," I said Travis with so much venom in my voice it was very obvious that I hated him. "Can get back to work." I looked over at Ariana who was giving Travis a dirty look. She looked over to me and nodded, strolling over to me with her suitcase behind her.

I turned my back on Travis and started to walk with Ariana. Once we got into the airport, some fans were there. How? I don't know. Why? I don't know. I guess being a pop star all fans have their way of getting information.

"Plane to Australia, Melbourne boarding now." The voice announced around the airport. I looked over to Ariana, wide eyes. That's our flight. "C'mon!" I shouted at her, running towards to get our tickets. We needed to get them, then we have to go throw security, no way are we going to get onto the plane.

There wasn't a line to get our tickets so Ariana and I ran towards the lady. "2 tickets for Melbourne, Australia." I said really quickly to the lady. She nodded typing something in her computer, she soon handed us our tickets. I gave her mine and Ariana's suitcase to put onto the plane. "Better hurry." The lady suggested. I nodded as Ariana and I kept running.

We got to the security and put our carry on bags through the security. I ran through the metal detector, luckily it didn't go off. Ariana did the same and it didn't go off. I grabbed our bags and ran down along all the numbers for the planes to board. We got to our number and saw the last amount of people going in. Ariana and I sprinted over to the lady, we were both out of breath.

We handed her our plane tickets and she ripped off a piece of the ticket, handing us the remaining. I gave her a thankful smile and walked into the plane. "We were so close to not getting on this plane." I told Ariana as we entered the plane and looked down the isles for our seats.

"I know, I'm pretty sure we looked like idiots running around that airport." I laughed lightly at Ariana's statement as I found my seat. "Are you sitting with me or?" I trailed off, asking Ariana if she was sitting next to me. She looked down at her ticket and nodded with a grin playing on her face. "Sure am."

I nodded and sat down, putting my bags underneath me. I looked over to Ariana to see she was doing the same. "You know what I love about planes?" I asked her, looking in front of me and looking at the mini TV. "What?" Ariana asked, as she was looking at me with a questioning look. "When the food comes out and the food is separated into little boxes, and its all organized. I love that."

Ariana laughed lightly at me and turned her attention towards the TV in front of her which showed the plane we were currently on. "How long are we on this plane for?" Ariana asked, turning only her head to look at me. I calculated the time I think it takes and answered her question. "Around 21 hours."

I looked down at me phone and turned it on, seeing what the time was. "It's 1pm here so once we get there..." I trailed off still thinking what time it would be. "12pm." Ariana answered, I smiled at her and nodded. (A/N I dunno if that's right.)

The seatbelt lights turned on and a lady spoke through the microphone. "Attention all passengers, we will be soon taking off, can I ask you to put your seat belts on and turn all phones off," The lady started to talk about life jackets and the nearest exist and all that none exciting stuff.

I turned to look out my window and sighed. Only 21 hours till I see Beau, only 21 hours. Only 21 hours.

"Chloe?" Ariana asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Yeah?" I asked her, raising my head to look at her. She sighed. "I really miss Jai." I sighed as well.

"I know you do. It's only 21 hours till we see them again and we can spend all the time we need with them. I promise." I promised to Ariana, lifting the armrest and pulling Ariana into my shoulder. A tear rolled down her cheek and onto my shirt. "Don't worry babe, we will be there soon."

She nodded and lifted her head up from my shoulder. She looked ahead of her and sighed. I looked over to my window and also sighed. There is a lot of sighing going on.

"Attention all passengers, we will be taking of any minute now so could you please strap on your seat belts," All if a sudden you hear several 'clicks' saying that people are putting on there seat belts.

I did as well, putting my seat belt on and put the armrest down so I could lean my arm on it.

Soon enough, the plane started to move indicating that the plane was taking off. I put my phone on airplane mode and waited till we were up in the sky.


We were half way there to Melbourne and I was getting bored. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it.

I went over to Candy Crush and played it. I was stuck on this one level. Candy Crush and I have a love hate relationship. It's quite annoying really.

I'm not the best at this game, I'm still on level 25 and it sucks because I have to clear all these jellies but I can't. See? Love hate relationship.

Once I got frustrated at the game I got my headphone and plugged them into my phone then my ears. I went onto my music and clicked on Best Friends by Janoskians.

I smiled when the song started to play. I went onto my messages and saw Beau's name. I clicked on our messages and started from as far as I wanted.

Our messages were all just hi's and hey's and love you and shit. I kept scrolling down until one message caught my eyes.

Beau <3: Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna work out?

I laughed out loud which got me strange stares from most people around me. Seeing as though I laugh like a dying hyena but I didn't care. My laughter turned into bits of tears. I miss him.


"What's the Melbourne taxi number?" Ariana asked as she held her phone in her hands, about to dial the number into her phone.

"Let me check." I told her as I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went onto safari. I found the number and told Ariana the number.

"03 9329 8558." Ariana typed the number in her phone then held the phone up to her ear, signalling she was calling the taxi service.

Ariana told the taxi man to pick us up at the airport and such. Ariana then put her phone in her back pocket. "He said he will be here in 5/10 minutes."

I nodded and waited with Ariana. We were near the taxi pick up area. "So," Ariana started. "You excited to see Beau?"

"Really excited. How about you? Excited to see Jai?" I mimicked which made Ariana laugh. "Really excited."

I laughed at how she mimicked me. I love her so much, she's my sister.

We saw a taxi pull up near us. "I think that's our taxi." I told Ariana as I started to get my suitcase and bag. Ariana nodded and started to get her things too.

"Hello ladies." The taxi man greeted as he took hold of our bags and went around to the back of the boot to put the suitcases in there. Ariana and I smiled at him and got into the car, putting our seat belts on as we waited for the man.

The man came back around and sat in the drivers seat. "Where to?" He asked, touching his GPS that was on the window. I told him as he typed the address into his GPS.

After lots of awkward conversations, we arrived at the Brooks house. "Thank you." I thanked the taxi man as he smiled at me. "My pleasure." He got our bags out of the car and onto the footpath.

I gabbed my handle on my suitcase and pulled it up, wheeling it towards the boys house. Ariana was close behind me.

Ariana and I got up to the Brooks door and I rung the doorbell. I heard bits of yelling going on but soon enough Gina opened the door.

"Chloe! Ariana!" Gina exclaimed as she introduced me and Ariana into a big hug. I let out a laugh as Gina slowly let us go.

"I heard Chloe's laugh." Beau wondered, he walked towards the door and saw me entering the house.

"Chloe!" Beau shouted, running over to me and introduced me into a big hug. I automatically hugged back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Beau pushed me up, holding my ass and I wrapped my legs around his stomach.

"I've miss you so much." I mumbled into Beau's ear. I felt him shiver slightly at my low voice. I smirked because I know I have that affect on him.

"Miss you too babe." Beau whispered back to me. I heard many footsteps come our way and passed us. It was probably Jai, Laura and Luke.

I pushed my head up from Beau's shoulder and kissed him like I've never kissed him before. That was a bad simile but I can't describe how I crashed my lips onto his.

Beau responded immediately although he tried to deepen the kiss. I was going to let him but someone stopped us. "Get a room!" Luke shouted at us, making some gagging noises along with the others.

I laughed a broke the kiss off. I looked at Beau and he winked at me. "Later." Beau let me down and I landed on my feet. I turned over to Laura and hugged her tight. "I've missed you!" I squealed in her ear. "Ow, I've missed you too." Laura whispered into my ear.

We soon came apart and I walked over to Jai. "Whad' up?" I asked Jai, raising my hand up slightly past my shoulder, wanting to high five him. "Not much, how about you?" Jai asked, high fiving my hand.

"Same as you." I replied to Jai with a nod of my head. Jai chuckled and stepped back towards Ariana, putting his hand her waist. Too cute. I dismissed them and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Once I entered the kitchen, Gina was at the kitchen bench, making sandwiches. "Would you like a sandwich Chloe?" Gina asked, she stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. I smiled at her. "If you don't mind."

Gina nodded and continued making the sandwiches. "It'a not a problem." I nodded at her response and took a seat on Beau'a lap. He let out a little cry, reason being, I sat on his sensitive part. Not on purpose...

"I love you sitting on my lap and everything but, not on my dick." Beau informed me. I moved forward a bit as Beau rested his hand on his balls. I looked at Beau, raising an eyebrow. "Love you." Beau innocently said. I rolled my eyes and smiled sarcastically at him and turned around.

"Sandwich is ready Chloe." Gina told me as she set the plate down with my sandwich on it. I grinned at her, even though she wasn't looking at me. I got up from Beau and walked over to my sandwich, picking it up and taking a bite from my Nutella sandwich.

"This is so good! Thank you Gina." I thanked Gina as I chewed my food in my mouth. She smiled thankful at me and nodded at me. I took another bite from my sandwich and walked over to the table and leaned my elbows on it, my ass sticking out. I rested my plate on the table while my sandwich was in my hand.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, looking at Luke, James, Skip, and Beau. I smirked at Beau and he smirked back. I knew he was going to get me back for sitting on his balls, but hey! Boys need to warn girls when they think girls will sit on their balls, otherwise we won't know.

"Where's Laura?" I asked Luke who was playing with some grapes which were on the table. "With Ariana and Jai." Luke told me, sounding kinda sad. I sighed and stood up, sandwich still in my hand.

"Luke, come with me." I told him, leaving everyone at the table. I walked towards the hallway and into Beau's room, Luke following close behind. Once we were both in the room I closed the door and I looked at Luke.

"What happened between you two?" I asked taking a seat on Beau's bed where Luke was as well. He sighed and looked at nothing in particular. "I guess you could say, we had a little disagreement."

"Aw, Luke," I felt sorry for him. Him and Laura are so strong, they have been through quite a lot and, this 'disagreement' I don't know. It's pretty serious if Luke's like this.

"I don't even know how it happened it just, did." Luke told me, totally confused. "Is she on her period?" I asked Luke seriously. That'a probably why she's been acting so strange and moody lately to Luke. Poor guy.

"No," Luke answered as he shook his head. I nodded and got up from Beau's bed. "I'll go talk to her." I told Luke as made my way towards the door. I opened it and stood outside the door. "Laura!" I shouted from where I was. "What?" She shouted back, sounding annoyed. I quickly finished my sandwich before shouting again.

"Come here!" I shouted again. Not log after, Laura appeared in my sight and she looked annoyed and tired. "If this is about Luke-"

"Come here." I sighed as I got her hand and made my way towards the bathroom. "What?" Laura snapped at me, making me jump slightly at her sudden outburst. I got into the bathroom, Laura as well, and I locked the door for the bathroom.

"Are you on your period?" I asked, getting straight to the point. Laura sighed but shook her head. "No, but I've been sick lately."

"As in vomiting?" I asked, sitting on the toilet lid. Laura walked back and forth in between the shower and bathroom door. Laura nodded. "Yeah."

"When's the last time you got your period?" I asked, this wasn't good. If she says last month, it's bad. Real bad. It's towards the end of the month and this is bad.

"Last month."

There it is.

"Has being pregnant ever crossed your mind?" I asked, a bit of sarcasm in my voice. Laura's face fell as the colour in her face was long gone. "There may be a chance I'm pregnant." Laura worriedly said. Her pacing was faster than ever and it was making me dizzy.

"We don't know for sure, we will go down to the pharmacist tomorrow and see." I calming informed Laura, as she nodded and stopped her pacing, chewing on her thumb nail nervously.

"You'll be fine." I ensured her as she kept biting her thumb nail nervously. She nodded but continued to do what she was doing. I walked over to the bathroom door and unlocked it, coming out from it. Laura copied me and tried to act normal but failing.

I walked into the kitchen and went over to my plate, picking it up and washing it in the sink.

I was nearly to the kitchen sink when I felt a small squeeze on my ass. "Ow!" I squealed, jumping 20 feet in the air - sarcasm - and holding my ass.

I turned to see who it was and it was Beau. "Payback's a bitch."

Let the games begin.


Hiya! Sorry if its bad.

This will be my last update for a while, reason being, I'm going on a cruise for 10 days.

I might update before then but I might not

So if I don't update any time soon, that's why.



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