30. Chick Flicks and Pain

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! Hopefully this makes up for it! Love you all! xx


Beau looked at me plainly with a blank expression before sighing. "I guess I'll have to tell you this shit sooner or later, might as well tell you now."

I can't ignore the grin that came to my face as he said those words. He actually wants to tell me, although he does sound tired and out of breath.

"Basically, I tried turning up the radio. My eyes left the road for two seconds before I felt something crash into me from the side." Beau winced as he rubbed his rib cage lightly.

"Would you like some medicine?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. He nodded slowly while trying to act tough and make it look like his ribs aren’t killing him.

“You don’t have to put on that whole ‘I’m a boy, I’m tough’ act.” I say, walking over to the door and opening it.

“I’m not a boy, I’m a man.” Beau whispers, just about a whisper. I nod with a teasing smile before turning and walking out of the room.

I walk down the hallway and enter the kitchen. I look over to the living room and see Gina lying down on the couch with a book in her hands, a small smile on her face.

“Gina?” I asked, walking over to her. Her head snapped over to me and she lowers the book. “Sorry to interrupt but, where is Beau’s medicine?”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll get the medicine for you.” Gina smiles at me and I return it. She acting awfully weird, not that I’m complaining but her mood has changed so much since Beau has been home.

Gina takes out a paper bag from one of the cupboards and hands me the bag. “Give Beau two tablets from the one with the blue lid.” Gina explains and I nod, thanking her and getting water for Beau.

I walk down the hallway and enter Beau’s room. Beau looks up at me and gives me a small smile. I return it and set the paper bag and water down on his bedside table.

I take out the medication and give Beau two tablets from the blue one and hand him the glass of water. Once Beau swallows the tablets, he hands me back the water and lowers himself in the bed.

I sit on the side of his bed, looking at him. “Are you okay?” I ask Beau, looking at him carefully. Beau nods slowly while he mouths a yeah and closes his eyes.

Beau’s lips are swollen and I have only just noticed. “Hey, Beau,” I start. His eyes open and look at me. “Did you always have a swollen lip?”

“Yeah,” Beau answers and I relax, everything is fine. I nod and give him a small smile. Beau slowly moves his hand from his spot. I try to stop him. “No, if you’re going to try and fight me from trying to hold your hand, I will purposely hurt myself.

I stop fighting him and I give him my hand. Beau holds my hand tightly and I give him a small smile. “5 months,” Beau whispered.

My head snapped towards him. “As in…” I trail off and Beau nods. Wow, 5 months together.

“Wow, I’ve put up with you for that long?” I ask him and Beau laughs but then stops and holds his rib cage with his free hand.

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