Luna Weasley

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Luna  Weasley is an 11 year old girl with short,frizzy, flaming red hair. She is very smart and has a knack for reading nonstop.She lives with her ill grandma and goes to a small school with only about a dozen children. The two are poor and live in a very small cottage where Luna takes care of her grandmother Delilah Weasley, the wife of Hugo Weasley.

Luna's POV
What in the world?!?! I thought
"Ahhhhhh" "There  is an owl on my desk!!!"I screamed Why does it have a letter with my name on it. "Granna Granna an owl gave me these letters why did an owl bring me two letters???!!!!!!!"

Grandma's POV_______________
Oh Hun it is from Hogwarts it says
Luna I am pleased to say you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Professed M. Mconagal headmistress
Luna's POV_______________
"What?!?!I say
Luna you are a witch! She said

Wait but..who, what, when, where, why, how I say

Honey I am the granddaughter of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley Harry Potter's best friends she said
So the stories are real? I ask

Yes and those aren't stories those are my grandma's diaries. She said with a laugh

Quit lying!!! I said it is not funny 

I am not how do you think the owl got there? Gram said with an ear to ear smile

Well I don't kn-wait look there is another letter it says:
The owl is yours to keep because I know he will love you
         -Minerva Mgonagal-
PS He does not have a name

"I think I will name him Rowling"
So ummm Granna, can I ask you a question?
Sure Hun anything. She said
Well I was wondering did you go to Hogwarts?
Yes as a matter of fact I did was in ravenclaw house!! She said
What is ravenclaw?
" Hogwarts has four founders,and four houses each named after a founder Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helena Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. The four houses are Gryffindor,
Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff,and
Slytherin. Gryffindors are known for their bravery and courage. Ravenclaw are known for their wit,learning,and uniqueness. Hufflepuff for their  friendliness and loyalty. Slitherins for ambition,but more dark wizards come from them than any other house."
"So gramma what house am I in?"
"Oh honeybun the sorting hat will decide that."
"What is the sorting hat?"
"The sorting hat is a magic hat that decides which house you go into."
"Oh yeah what do you think I will get into?"
"We will see."

Thank you annapokapanda for the help and thank you for your support ErikaBaker95

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