Chapter 26

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"There! We're officially unpacked." I said, wiping the dirt off my pants. It wasnt long after closing on the house that we moved in. We were excited. It seemed a little rushed looking at it from a different view point but it felt right. We wanted this new child that we were bringing into this world to have a loving home and what better way would it be than to start fresh?

"Babe, stop carrying those boxes. You're gonna hurt the baby." Demitrey said sternly looking at me. I was due sometime next month.

"You know I'm a doctor as well." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"All the more reason you need me
to remind you that you are." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me close.

" I know, I just love reminding you that I'm your boss." I said devilishly kissing his jawline. He made a noise in the back of his throat and pulled me even closer.

"You may be my boss in the workplace but in the bedroom you and I both know I'm the real boss." He drawled out. A shiver ran up my spine and he slipped his hand up my shirt and unhooked my bra in one swift motion.  I hissed at the touch of his icy hands on my back that had my skin covered in goosebumps.  He peppered kisses on my neck as I ran my hand through his hair. 

"Dem...Dem." I sighed out as he continued to kiss every spot on my neck and face.

"Hmm?" He replied distractedly.

"We have to get dinner and grocery shop." I said pushing him gently off of me. I looked up at him to see his reaction and it was just as I expected. He gave me a knowing look and said

"I already have my dinner." Making a motion towards my most sensitive spot. Blood rushed to my face and I was filled with a tingly excitement. It still caught me off guard when he was so blatantly obvious in his flirting.

"Come on." I said letting him take me off the counter. As I passed, a firm hand gripped my ass. I giggled and swatted his hands.
As we slid into bed that night we went through our now usual routine. He brushed his teeth and read a book or replied to emails while in bed. I got ready for bed as well but there was a little more to my routine. I had a combination of six pillow surrounding me when I slept. I had two for my head and the other four were scattered wherever hurt the most that day.

I wouldn't tell Demitrey this but my back seemed to hurt more and more as I got closer to full term. To tell the truth, everything hurt more as I got closer to full term. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle or ease so I wasn't complaining.

"So I was thinking, maybe we should get some names rolling." Demitrey says rolling over to look at me.

"I think so too. Have you thought of any?" I said, looking over at him as well. I was so tired from all the moving we did today I was close to drifting off to sleep.

"I've thought a lot about girl names. I like Valentina or Isabel. For some boy names I was thinking Joshua or Landon. We don't have to choose them, it's just a thought."  He said.

"I like Valentina. That's very cute. Isabel is okay. I think if it's a boy we should go with Josh- No Landon! I like Landon better." I finished.

Suddenly all my fatigue vanished and I was going off on tangents on different names. Demitrey said nothing and just watched me with a lazy smile on his face. The longer he stared the more on edge I got.

"What?" I finally asked, having enough of his gaze.

"Nothing. I just love watching you smile." He said finally. I blushed and moved closer towards him and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you baby girl" He said while enveloping his arms around me. I instantly fell asleep, his strong and steady heartbeat lulling me into a deep slumber.
"I need this baby out of me now." I grumbled out as I waddled over to the couch in our new home. I was due any day now and I was in more pain than I would ever admit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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