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I woke up to the sound of someone screaming, I then realized that it was Phoebe. As I rushed out of bed to see what was happening I noticed a man holding Phoebe. As I watched her struggle to get free I didn't notice a man coming up behind me. The last thing I saw was Phoebe's scared face before I was knocked out. As I was starting to wake up I noticed I wasn't home I was in a dark room. I looked around and noticed I wasn't alone, they also took Phoebe. She was in the corner shaking from fear. I noticed she was awake so I moved closer towards her and hugged her. Once she realized that it was me that was hugging her she started to stop shaking.

As I waited for someone to come and tell me why we are here I hear the door open. Once the door was fully open the man who took me and Phoebe threw another person in then closed the door. I made my way to see who he threw in, once I was close enough to see the face I noticed right away that it was one of my other daughters Piper. When I saw her face I noticed all of the bruises. I wanted to kill the man who did this to her. I knew that once I was free I would hunt him down and kill him. I kept thinking if my other daughter Prue was safe. While I was thinking I didn't notice how tired I was the next thing I knew I had fallen asleep. The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone crying, it didn't sound like Phoebe or Piper it sounded like Prue. I got up to check and I was right it was Prue, i went over to her and hugged her a few minutes later Phoebe and Piper joined us. They we're really scared they didn't know why this was happening.

After I couldn't help but think what they were planning to do now that they have all of us. I knew they weren't going to kill us because it looked like they took us for a reason. I kept thinking that maybe they knew that we we're a family of witches. I was a little surprised that they knew that it was only me and my daughters who we're witches. Once my husband found out that I was a witch he left us. After that we never heard from him again. It was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with us because we weren't normal. He didn't care if we we're good witches all he knew is that he wanted nothing to do with me or the kids. Honestly ever since he left us life was easier. Who knew life would be better without him. Now keeping the witch secret will be easier, if he was here he would have told them. He sucks at keeping secrets especially a big one.

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