The Truth Is Out

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After the two men brought me back to the room they left. The minute I sat down on the bed Prue the oldest out of the three came over to see if I was okay. She noticed that I was worried cause I had the worried look on my face. Whenever I made that face she knew something was wrong.

"Mom is everything okay you look really worried, did their leader do something to you?" She asked with a worried look.

"I'm fine Prue I just had a talk with the leader" I said. I didn't want her to know the truth. I was scared that if they knew the truth they would leave me too. I couldn't stand the fact that they might leave once they know. The way she was looking at me I could see that she really cares. She's a very caring person, she's always watching out for her sisters. Prue being 22, Piper being 21 and Phoebe being 20 they could get their powers soon. I know their grown adults now but I'm the type of mom that is always worrying about her children. I don't know what I would do if I lost them, their my whole world.

The older they get the closer they are to getting their powers. I keep wondering what their powers are going to be. My powers are freezing time, moving things with my mind and seeing the future or sometimes the past. After three hours of waiting to see if my ex husband Daniel will come and tell them the one thing I've been keeping from them. I then realized that he wasn't coming so I decided to go to bed. The following morning I woke up to the sound of the door opening and Daniel walking in. As I got up to sit at the edge of the bed Daniel announced that he had something important to say and that's when I knew he would tell them.

"Wait a minute your the one who kidnapped us but your our dad, why would you do this to us?" Phoebe said shocked. She couldn't believe he would do this to them especially since he's their father.

"I did this because I need you guys to use your powers to make me powerful" he said with that evil grin on his face. He was really trying to ruin my family. I knew that one day I would get back at him.

"I'm sorry did you just say powers?, we don't have powers" Prue said in her confident voice. They all looked so confused and mad at the same time.

"Patty how long are you going to keep your secret don't you think it's time they know" he said grinning.

"Fine I'll tell them Prue, Piper, Phoebe there's something you need to know" I said in a shaky voice. It was now or never if I don't tell them now and keep it in longer I might lose them.

"Mom what's going on, what's he talking about? " Prue asked with a confused look on her face.

"I'm a witch and so are you three, we're from a family of good witches" I told them hoping they won't be mad.

"Did you just say were witches, with powers that we never knew we had?" Piper asked shocked. I looked at all of their faces and they all looked shocked. I then realized I did the right thing. I probably might lose them bit I'm still happy they know the truth.

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