The Beginnings

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"Crap!" I thought to my self. I need to find out what I missed in class. "Hmm, ____(first name) is something up?" Lizabeth smiled. "Oh, it nothing. I was just curious to know what you guys were learning about before I came to this school." I replied. "Well you could ask Kyoya, he knows like every thing." Yuki said. "You're right, we're is he I'll go ask." "He's in the host club." Lilith said surprising us all. "She's always so quiet." I thought to myself. "WHAT?!!" Lilith shouted. "Did I do something wrong?" She questioned us. "No, it's just that you're usually so quiet but you knew the answer so quickly. Ooooh does someone have a crush?" I asked. "No, it's just..." Lilith blushed. "Don't be like that Lilith we were just joking." Yuki laughed. "Well then I'll be back, see you later." I yelled as I ran towards the host club. "Byeeeee, see you later." They all said as I ran of. "I have truly interesting friends." I thought to my self.
Yuki, Lizabeth, and Lilith are my three best friends in the world. We have known each other since we were in kindergarten, and now we all go to Ouran high school. Me and Lizabeth are the closest though, the reason for this is because ( I forgot to mention we are all from very rich and powerful families) when I was little my mother got very ill and died, my dad soon after got a new higher paying job in Italy where he was from originally but I didn't want to move away from my friends so Lizabeth's parents let me stay with them.  I also forgot to mention that Yuki and Lilith are sisters but the two of them are polar opposites. Yuki is a energetic girl whose always participating in every thing, Lilith on the other hand is a quiet girl with straight A's. But because of my talents I went off on a competition team for the school for a year. Because of this I missed a lot of school, now I'm a little behind in school. I still have great grades though. The reason I was on the competition team was for the musical arts, I'm a skilled piano player and gymnast. But that's all you need to know for now.
I ran as fast as I could so that I could make it to the host club and still make it back to my friends. I made it. I open the doors and to my surprise everyone was staring at me like they were surprised to see me. "Of course they're surprised to see me, it's not like I announced to the world that I was coming." I think to my self. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Kyoya. I run over to him like we've known each other forever. "Kyoya!!!!" As I yell his name I fling my self onto him with a smile. "There you are! What did you think you could hide from me?" I laughed. "_____(first name (fn))!? What are you doing here?" He politely asked. "Hmm! Oh I was wondering if you could tell me what I missed in class." I say without letting go of him. "Oh sure, I can help you." He says nonchalantly. "Okay, good." I look down to my side and there's this little kid staring up at me with this really tough looking guy standing next to him. I bend down and ask " Little boy what are you doing here?" He just keeps staring at me but then he relies that I said something, " Oh I go to school here, I'm 18, my name is Mitsukuni Haninozuka but you can call me honey, that's what everyone calls me." He starts blushing. "Wow. Wait a damn minute, if you're older than me than that means you could help me as well. That's only if you want to." I state. "Well I co..." Mori cuts him off " Honey senpai is very busy with the host club." "Tthh-that's not true!" Honey senpai blushes. "It's okay if you can't help me Kyoya can always do it. Plus" I look over at Kyoya. "I still owe you that date from first grade." Kyoya starts blushing like hell. "You still remember that?" Kyoya stutters. "Of course, you were so cute back then." I say. Kyoya blushes even more now. "We can always help you as well." The Hitachiin twins say. "Hey she asked for my help first!" Honey cried. Then Tamaki steps in "I will be the one to help this beautiful young lady." "No you won't, I will be." Kyoya states. I can hear them bickering. It gets louder by the second. "I can't take it. You guys are all fighting over a 15 year old girl. All I want is someone to help me catch up in class." I yell. I feel something tug at the bottom of my dress. I look down. It's honey senpai and he looks as if he's on the verge of tears. "Can I please be the one to help you?" I look into his gorgeous brown eyes. Just as I'm about to respond Tamaki says "Why don't we all help you, we can take turns with the different subjects." "Yeah that would work." They all agree. "Are you sure it's not to much trouble." I ask. "Are you kidding me. Spending time with a beautiful girl like you is no pain, as a matter of fact it's a delight." Kyoya says. This is so much trouble for such a little issue. I think to my self. I look at all their smiling faces. *sigh* "I guess we can do it like that." All I wanted was Kyoya's help. What did I get my self into. This is definitely going to take up my time. "Oh and one last thing." Kyoya says. "Hmp, what is it." I ask curiously. "You owe each of us a request of our choice." He snickers. "Of course." I say. Crap!!

Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you liked it. I love hearing comments so feel free to tell me anything about the story so I can make it better. 😋✌🏻️

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