Stop it!

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     "Sooooo?!" Lizzie drags out the word. "What?" I look at her confused on what she was asking about. "Your flight's tomorrow morning at 10. Are you excited. I think for a moment as we walk to class. "Mmm, yes!" I smile. Lizzie starts laughing and I laugh with her. Not paying attention to where I'm going I once again bump into someone. I topple over and fall onto the person. "Wow princess, you move quickly." The person chuckles. I realize who it is before I even look at their face. "Ehh!! Tamaki, I'm so sorry. It was a complete accident!" I try hard to quickly gather my thoughts as I slowly start to sit up and get off him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back down on top of him. "Where do you think you're going?" He laughs as he strokes the back of my head. "I want you to be as close to me as possible." He mumbles. I blush into the croak of his neck. 'Omg what am I doing?! I shouldn't be letting this happen, but... No I need to stop this.' "Umm, Tamaki I can't..." "Don't say anything don't even move. Just hush my darling." I'm too embarrassed to move. "(F/n) Is that you?!" Someone calls out. 'Crap I recognize that voice! It's Honey senpai! I can't say anything he'll get mad.' "Hey Honey, how are you?" Tamaki calmly replies. 'How can he be so calm?' I can help but wonder. "Who is that on top of you?" Honey senpai ignores the question. "Oh it's __." 'That jackass, how could he give it away?' "What?!" Honey gets angry. I try to get off  Tamaki put he pulls me down again. "What are you doing to her?!" Honey comes over looking pissed. I quickly back off of Tamaki. "It's not what you t-think." I mutter. Tamaki tries to come closer to me again. Honey grabs the collar of his shirt in a blink. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Honey throws him across the hallway. I quickly run into Lizzie's arms afraid of what's going on. She pats my head as I look over at what's happening. Tamaki stands up and faces Honey. "Wow nice throw. Looks like someone's been practicing." He says as he dusts off his shirt. "It really is a pain to fight right before class, but if that's what you want to do... Let's have some fun." Tamaki laughs. "Why in Hell are you guys fighting!" I yell as Tamaki goes to punch Honey. He stops mid way and looks at me. "Because this little brat got into someone else's toy chest." "I thought you guys were friends." I whine. Honey doesn't even look at me. He quickly continues the fight as he punches Tamaki in the face. Tamaki gets sent flying across the hall. He comes to a stop on the floor. His eyes are shut. 'Is he... No he can't be! Honey would never do that.' I feel a pain in my chest over the decision of whether or not to check on Tamaki. I give up, I run over to Tamaki and check his pulse. Tears start leaking out of my eyes. I rub them away thankful for waterproof makeup. Suddenly I feel it, Tamaki is breathing. I see Honey walking over slowly. "What's your problem!?" I can't control my anger. Honey senses my anger and stops. "Why were you on top of him?" He doesn't lift his head or unclench his fits, he just asks. "I bumped into him on my way to class. You didn't have to make such a big deal of it!" I start to raise my voice as I stand up. My expression drops. I look mad and everyone backs away a few steps. I sigh and grab Tamakis hand. "I'm going to have to clean up your mess now." I slowly drag Tamaki to the nurses office. Honey doesn't even look at me as I walk away.
Time Skip
I hear a noise. I look over at Tamaki who's laying on the nurses bed. He slowly moves over and opens his eyes. "Ngh, what time is it, what happened?" He yawns. I smile. "You know exactly what happened, and it's 11:30." "Wow, you stayed with me that long." He reaches over to grab my hand. I take his. "Is there anything you need?" I ask. "You." He giggles. "You got me right here. But really is there anything you need?" "No, but could you please lay next to me." He uses his other hand to pat next to him on the bed. I reluctantly agreed. He yawns again and cuddles me. "I don't ever want to move." He sighs. "But..." I sigh not knowing what I'm about to say. "I know, I know. You're dating Honey..." I cut him off "Actually I'm not sure if we still are. After you got knocked out I got pretty mad at him and he didn't say a word to me." I look away. "That's great!" Tamaki surprises me. "What!?" "That means you can be mine." He pulls me in tight. I nuzzle into his chest. He holds me like this for a couple of minutes until I pull away. "Well if you're feeling better that means I can get back to class." I slowly get off the bed. Tamaki pulls me back into his arms. "I never said that I was feeling better." He whines. "But you look fine. Plus I want to go eat lunch." "Hmm, fine then I'll go back to class too." Tamaki prompts. "No you're not allowed to leave but I'll be back later." I wave as I leave the room.
"I'm starving." I say to myself as I walk back to class. Something wraps around my waist and stops me. "Hm?" I look down to see Honey senpai with his face in my chest and his arms around me. I hear him crying into my dress. I pat his head. "What's wrong?" I ask trying to be nice, acting as if this morning never happened. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Honey cries. "It's okay." I softly speak to him. "Everything is going to be ok. I'm over this morning, it was my fault in the first place." I comb my fingers through his hair gently. "A-a-are you sure?" He stutters and looks at me with big eyes. I nod. "Does that mean the trip is still on?" His eyes fill with excitement. "I think so." I state. "What do you mean 'think so'?" "Well I mean you kinda acted like an ass this morning but I still want to hangout with you." "Oh." Honey sighs. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "No it's fine. I'll see you at lunch." He smiles and walks away. I continue on my way to class. 'I wonder what that was all about.' I ponder this question, unable to come up with an answer to that question I go to class.

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