chapter 4

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I woke up the next day and got in the shower.once  i got done i got ready for my day with Louis. I then got a text from Louis telling me that he is on his way.Once i finish i heard a knock on my door i went to the door and open it it. It was Louis.

"are you ready go."

"yes i sure am."

He then led me to his car  and open the door for me.

"thank you."

"your welcome."

He then closed the door when i got in.then he went to the drivers seat and drove us to the fair.Once we got there i got so excited but i hid it from him and tried to act cool.He then parked the car and got out and open the door for me.

"Thank you"

"your welcome love"

we then walk to the entrance and he paid for us to get in.once we were in we went to the bumper cars. after that we went to the other rides. it was so amazing. it was time to get something to eat he ask me what i want then he took me to a table to sit at. he then went up in line to order . it was a long line and was kinda far from the table i was at so i called Liam.


"hey Liam its me Honey"

"hey honey how are you."

"im good im just calling you i am with Louis."

"really were are you guys at."

"we at the fair."

"how did u get a way from him to call me."

"right now he is line ordering our food."

"wait r u guys on a date."

"no we are just hanging out ... I think"

"well we cant disturb you guys while your hanging out do you think you can find out what hotel he is in then tell us."

"yeah sure when i get it ill text you."

"ok thank you. so how is i....."

"hey i have to go Liam he is coming back."

"Ok  bye honey"

"bye Liam"

i then hang up hoping he didn't hear that.

"Hey honey who was that"

"it was one of my friends asking what I'm doing this week. she wants to hangout."

"oh ok."

"yup. thank you for the food."

"your very welcome."

we talk to get each other more once we finish eating  i then ask him what hotel he was spending the night, once he told me i texted liam and told him when louis wasn't looking.i then got a text back he said ok and thank you. when i finish texting him back we went on the farriswheel. it was dark and fireworks were going off. I went and sit close to louis. He smiled and wrap his arm around me.soon the ride was over and so we went to a game both and he won me a big red bear. We then went back to the car.

"thank you for this lovely day louis. i had so much fun."

"Your welcome love im glad you had fun. do you like you bear."

"yes i did thank you for wining it for me.

"no problem love." 

we finally got to the car and he open the door again for me. i got in and shut the door.He then came over and got in the driver side. He started driving. It was a long way and i accidentally fell a sleep. i woke up the next day. i looked around and i didn't look like my house or my room. i then looked over and saw louis there sleeping. i then laid down and got closer to him and cuddle up. i didnt see it but i knew he was smiling. after a few more minutes of sleeping there was a knock on the door. Louis got up and went to the door. once he open the door he was surprise and shocked.

louis then open the door to let whoever was outside in. it was..........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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