chapter 2

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Louis P.O.V

i was walking down the empty street. No body was out and it was dark the only lights that were on was the street lights. i looking for a place to go in. I was  upset that  i think maybe if i eat ill get over it. My friends are mad at me they wont even talk to me and my girlfriend broke up with me too.

*earlier today*


 once i heard that i burst into laughter because they went right into my prank. I then hear footstep come down the stairs it was liam. He was soak and wet. I the burst into laughter again. 

"Louis why did you put that bucket of water above my bedroom door." 

"what do you mean i have no idea what your talking about."

"don't play dumb i know you put that bucket over my door. Louis you got to stop pranking its going way to far."

"hey I'm just trying to have fun."

That's when the other boys come in.

"Louis liam is right your pranking is going way to far."

"you need to stop louis."

"why i thought you boys love my pranking."

"we do Louis its just not all the time maybe once in a while."

"man i though you guys were awesome but your just boring."

when i got no reply that's when i had it. i left.

"fine guys if you don't like my pranks i guess i will leave."

I then went out the door and put on my hat and glasses.As i was walking i got a phone call. I looked at the caller ID. It was El. I was happy that at least someone wasn't mad at me. I then answer it.


("hey Louis")

("can we meet somewhere and talk please")

("sure love anything for you.")

("great see you lets say the park.")

("sure love see you there i love you bye.")

("yeah see you there bye.")

she then hang up. it was odd cuz she always say she loves me before ending a call.I then headed to the park. Once i got there i seen a girl sitting on the bench with a hat and glasses on. i decided to surprise.I went up behind her and wrap my arms around her.

"ahhh Louis don't scare me like that."

"i'm sorry love. so what did you want to talk about."

"well ummm."

i can see she was nervous and something was wrong.

"love what is it you can tell me."

"well i think we to break up."

I was shocked . i couldn't believe what she just said i though maybe i heard it wrong.

"what I'm sorry i didn't catch that."

"Louis you've been and awesome boyfriend and you are very sweet and kind and i love you for that,but i just don't feel it anymore I'm sorry but we need to break up Louis."

"oh i understand."

"I'm sorry Louis i hope we can still be friends."

"yeah sure.I have to go now el bye."

"yeah ok bye Louis."

"do you think before i go i can have one more kiss."

"i don't know about that Louis."

"please el."

"ok Louis but this is the last one."

"okay i understand."

i then went up to her and gave . She was right i didn't feel anything either. I felt like i was about to cry but i can't show it in front of her. we then pulled a way. 

"well i guess this goodbye."

"yeah i guess it is bye Louis."

"bye el." 

I then left and started walking the sidewalk. I look back one more time at my use to be looks like she was in tears to. I wanted to hug her so bad and tell her that everything is ok like a boyfriend should do,but I'm not her boyfriend anymore.I then turn ed around and started walking again.

*fast forward to now*

I was walking when i saw  a building with the lights on. i looked up at the sign.It was a restaurant. I went closer to it and seen the girl was about to lock the door. i went in fast but she stopped me at the door before i can come in. "I'm sorry sure but we are close." as what she said i begged her to let me in telling her, i wont be long.she then let me in and i had my meal i asked her to sit down with me to eat. she found out who i was after i took off my hat and glasses she didn't freak out like other fans do.I was rifled. she then notice i was upset she ask me what wrongs wrong. i told her that my friends are mad at me and wont talk to me and that my girlfriend talk to me.she then told me everything will be alright by tomorrow. she really did cheer me up better. i then finish my food i got and thank her for letting me and i apologize taking up her time  she was OK with that. i asked her if maybe she wants to hangout some day. she agree and wrote down her number on a piece of paper. i then gave her my number. once i finish giving her my number i got up and went outside and put my hat and glasses back on. i started walking again . i went into a hotel and bought a 2 night hotel room. i got up to my room and went in. i changed into my night cloths and laid down on the bed. i turn on the tv and watched it.I added honeys number to my contacts..i then got a phone call it was liam. i ignore it. i wasn't in the mood to talk. i then got a call from the other boys. i ignore their calls too. i then got a text. it was  honey. The text said. (is this Louis.) i then sent a text back saying (yes) i then got a text from her that say(ok i was just making sure you didn't give me a fake number) i then sent her a text back(ok well i have to go now bye.) She then sent me on that says (bye) i then turned my phone off and went to bed.

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