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     Nothing interesting ever happened to Roderich Edelstein.

     Roderich sighed as he briskly walked down the hallway after his last class of the day.  Honestly, he hadn't any time to spare for these idiots who strolled around as though they didn't have to be anywhere or do anything.  So what if he nudged one or two of them out of his way?  Roderich wasn't shoving or hurting them; he just couldn't bear to be stuck behind them.  Unlike those slackers, the young brunette, who was halfway through his third year in Gymnasium*, knew exactly what he would do when he got out: musical composition.  He longed for the day when he could make music his main focus, instead of having to study things of no use to him along with it, like math or science.  That, he supposed, was the beauty of going to university.  But that was in a few years.

     For now, he was nearly to his locker after another long, tedious day in hell.  As he rounded a final corner, eyes on his lock and ready to input the combo as quickly as possible, he felt someone else shove his shoulder.  Rather forcefully, at that.  Unprepared for the impact, Roderich stumbled forward a few steps before being able to stop himself.  Nobody else in the hallway seemed to care, as they were all too busy with themselves, but Roderich's cheeks flushed out of embarrassment and irritation anyway.  A cold laugh pierced his ears before he could catch his breath and resume walking after his stumble.  The culprit was immediately given away by it; just behind the brunette, much to his chagrin, stood Gilbert Beilschmidt.

     "Keeesesesesese!!!  KESESESE!!!" came the harsh cry.  Roderich spun around to face the idiot.

     "Gilbert, I shall kindly ask you once more: stop."

     "That didn't sound like a question to me, Little Master!  And stop what, exactly?" he asked teasingly as his laughter died out and that signature smirk plastered itself across his face.  The "Little Master" he was referring to sighed in frustration.

     "Stop harassing me in the corridors, Gilbert.  I've better things to do with my time that to put up with you.  And also, please stop calling me 'Little Master'.  It is an unbecoming title for one who's going to do so much more with his life than you."

     The silver-haired menace only smirked more widely.  "Kesesese!  Oh, Little Master, you're so cute  when you're annoyed!  Why would I stop, hmm?"  This fellow student's deplorable behavior was really getting on Roderich's nerves now, if it hadn't been already.  His face got even redder as the anger and frustration began to boil.

     "Because...."  Why, he thought?  Obviously, making Gilbert stop would only benefit Roderich.  How could I possibly reason with someone like that?   "Well...  b-because if you don't stop, I'll... make you."  It was an empty threat, sure, but he didn't know what else to say.

     "You'll make me?  Tch!" scoffed Gilbert, seeing right through the bluff.  He knew that Roderich was only attempting to be tough.

     The aristocrat glared at the albino, his only remaining defense being sass, but he didn't have the energy to waste on Gilbert just then.  Giving an indignant huff, he decided to simply spin on his heel and walk off, leaving the bane of his existence probably too satisfied with his unspoken victory.  Still, Roderich couldn't let it get to him.  He went to his locker.  He packed his bag.  He took the bus home.  He studied, practiced his instruments, prepared for bed, was left to his thoughts at 3 AM....  He hoped that tomorrow would be different from all the other identical days of his life.

     He woke up.

     It wasn't.


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