chapter 1

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 "I love you......most ardently!" I mouthed the words of Mr. Darcy as i sat on the edge of my seat staring intently at the screen. You would think that after 5 times I would get tired of watching Pride and Prejudice. But what could  I say, it was my favourite movie.

 Suddenly my friend Anna burst out laughing sitting next to me. "I thought you said you hated love stories Marie?"

 "Shut up" I groaned, shoving her away from me playfully.

 "You know I do, but even I have to admit it man. This is just pure genius." I leaned back on the couch and pressed pause on the remote. I always enjoyed the movie more when I was alone anyway.

 Taking another bite of her hotdog, Anna turned to me. "So about what we were talking about earlier ....."

  "Ughhhh" I groaned loudly. "I'm not going okay just drop it"

  "Why not? Come on, we've never ever been to a party. We are gonna be seniors next year Mari-sol.  That. Is. Not. Normal." she said slowly, punctuating every word for emphasis. 

I felt bad. Worse than bad I felt guilty. Anna always nagged me to go to parties and I always refused. She would threaten to go without me but I knew she would never leave me behind. We usually ended up spending the night of the party holed up in my bedroom watching reruns of old TV shows. Now that's fun.....but how many times can a girl watch the same episodes?

"Look just go without me. I swear I won't mind." I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping she would listen this time. At least then I wouldn't have to feel guilty. 

"Why do you hate parties so much anyway?" she asked the question nonchalantly, but I knew that deep down she was dying to know.

"It's just not my thing okay."

Great Pinnochio, just lie to your best friend.

That would be the voice of my stupid conscience. The reason I've never been able to cheat on a test or steal anything in my life. I couldn't build up the courage to tell her the truth. The reason why I was terrified of parties or anything that involved any kind of intimate physical contact from the opposite gender. I hated to lie to her but....I wasn't ready to cross that bridge as yet.       

"Come on with that face? It's a wonder she has the guts to go out in public at all,"  I didnt need to turn around to know whose voice that was. Joseph Winters. The Greek God of high school girls that claimed to be Anna's brother. 

"Tell me. Is your sole purpose in life to annoy the hell out of me?" I glared at him. Hmm maybe if I stared long enough I could pierce holes through his body.

"Well if I don't do it darling, who will?" he asked sweetly. He stood at 6'1, with an athlete's toned, muscled body and those puppy dog brown eyes that all the girls love. His brown hair cut short in what I believe was his attempt at a mohawk. I was indifferent but I wasn't indenial. Joseph was the hottest senior in school and by extension the hottest boy too. But looks never impressed me much. Take his over-confident, self-absorbed attitude plus the fact that he took great pleasure in being my personal pain in the ass...and you have yourself the perfect equation for I'm not interested. 

"Anna I think Joseph got off his leesh again" my comment was addressed to her but I was staring at Joseph, still trying to pierce those holes.

"Well when dogs see a bitch they do get excited." he smiled cockily.

"Your mother is a ----" before I could continue the lady of the moment herself walked in.

"Yes, I am a what?" she asked good-naturedly, smiling broadly.

 "Yea Mari-sol? What is she?" Joseph grinned wickedly, clearly enjoying every moment.

"A...a....really really nice person" I stuttered softly. I could hear Anna snickering behind me with Joseph. Oh the traitor, laughing with the enemy.  

 "Marie, there's no need to be shy. You're family you know that." Mrs. Winters was sweet and warm. The sought of person that made you feel loved just from being around her. She had long wavy hair that was dyed red and she shared the same brown eyes with her son. Standing up next to her son she looked petite and delicate, like something precious. How in the world did Joseph turn out the way he did......I had no idea.    

 After an affectionate hug, and quickly informing her children that she was going to run some errands, Mrs. Winters walked away, leaving us to ourselves once more. I picked up the deadliest weapon in slipper and prepared myself to lunge and attack. Then I felt Anna holding me back.

 "Please let me kill him. Pretty, pretty pretty please." I begged.

 "Nooo, I don't want to be an only child. I'd be lonely." she talked while dragging me away and out of the house.

 "No you wouldn't. I'd be there for you." I pleaded but to no avail. While being dragged against my will I could still hear the bastard laughing inside the house.

hi what do ya think? feel free to share your opinons and post up any books of yours that u want me to read. I am ready and willing :)

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