Truth about depression.

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In today's society everyone thinks that depression is "just being sad."

Depression is so much more then that. It's not a phase and once you have it, it's always gonna be there. It will always come back.

It's almost like the word sad has completely gone away and been replaced with the word depressed. They are two totally different things.

Depression isn't just being sad, or feeling sorry for yourself. Depression is when you don't have the energy to get out of bed or leave your room or house. It's when you don't talk much. When you can just sit there and stare at nothing for a long time.

It can last for weeks or months or years. Then when you finally feel better it just hits you like a ton of bricks. It's like an endless cycle of negative feelings.

Depression doesn't have to be caused by something tragic that has happened in your life. It's a mental illness that you can be born with.

It's when you have no motivation to do anything. You either don't feel anything, or you feel everything. It doesn't just go away, you can't make it go away. Some days are better then others and some are worse.

When you're depressed you don't just walk around telling everyone, sometimes you only tell a few really close people or other times you tell no one. I've only told two people and I only told them because I was at such a low point where I really needed help, I don't ever ask for help.

One person I don't even talk to anymore, the other is my best friend, but I think she forgot.

Hopefully people stop labeling being sad for a day as depression. Everyone gets sad sometimes, but not everyone is depressed.

If you need to talk, i'm always here.

-xoxo Ell

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