Misguided Soul

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Almost everyone, from the moment they are born, have a count down for their 'soul mate.' A number on their wrist was timed to the exact time they would meet their true love. Then again, some were born without. It's not the end of the world, they can still be content with life.

Haru always thought it was a bunch of noise, but he did believe someone was out there for him. He was born with the majority of 'soul mates.'

Haru just clocked out of work, and usually would run errands and head home. Today, was different. He's been nervous all week, and that's because the numbers on his right wrist, were almost over.

He walked out of the restaurant and wondered were would be go? Regardless of what he did, he would somehow still meet this mystery person. Would he like them? He had heard of horror stories on the news how some soul mates would down right despise each other.

Would his soul mate even like swimming?!

If they didn't, he wasn't sure what he would do. To keep calm, he decided to head to the local swimming pool. A short, relaxing walk to go swimming, it should calm his nerves.

Haru thought about this mystery person, and how they would both get along. Everything that could go wrong went through his mind, but a thought of everything going nice did too.

He just hoped that they would truly love him.


Haru briskly swam laps down and back up the pool. He got quicker with each check of the wrist, even though he was in the water he felt like his hands were clamming up.

He rested next to the side of the pool, and took a breath. He checked his wrist and it was only minutes.

What should be do? Should he stay in the pool? Clean up a bit? Maybe go somewhere else-

He shook out those thoughts, and took a deep breath in and out. He looked up to the sky which was filled with cool hues, it was beautiful. Maybe it won't be that bad. His soul mate could possibly be beautiful as the sun set.

And he was.

His bright, red hair. His sharp, white teeth. His piercing, fiery eyes. He was.

Haru saw the man walk the side of the pool, and hop in. He swiftly, what almost seemed perfectly, swam down the lane next to Haru. It almost felt like everything was in slow motion.

The black haired chef was unsure what to do, he was obviously the one. The moment he laid eyes on him his clock disappeared. But why was the other simply swimming?

That was a good attribute, but shouldn't the other be nervous too? Or doing something? He seemed too calm to be meeting his soul mate. The person he was suppose to spend the rest of his life with, the one he would love and cherish forever, someone to cradle at late nights, and to talk to about everything. Was just swimming?

Until Haru realized that the beautiful other may be his soul mate, but he might not be his.

Everything seemed to stop. All those terrible stories were true, and soul mates weren't always perfectly matched. The term was a lie. His perfect love was a lie.

Haru blankly floated in the water, snapping out of it when the stunning human got out. The other simply could've forgotten about the time, sometimes it's easy to pass by. But Haru saw with clear eyes as he had gotten up, the other still had time going down. It was difficult to see, but time certainly still counted down.

Haru was conflicted what to do, his mind was a mess. He clenched the side of the pool, noticing 'him' starting down the pool. Haru wanted to reach out, as if greeting an old friend. But his head told him to let him go, life would be better without him. Who knows who he is anyways?

But the magnetic attraction, the beautiful and stunning person, Haru had to at least know his name.

"Hey," Haru tried saying, but it barely came out. "I, I know this is a weird question,"

The red headed guy looked down, a bit suddenly taken a back. Only because he was surprised someone randomly stopped him.

"But what's your name?" Haru was telling himself not to ask, but he couldn't stop it. Not even knowing his name, it would chew at Haru forever.

The red head blinked, confused, "Um, Rin." He still managed to answer.

Haru thought of striking up conversation, he thought it could still work. Though his head was telling himself the probability,

Rin would never love him.

And like that, Haru let Rin leave. A little confused, but he left. In the big world, he would probably never see him again. He would never know what it would be like to live life with him.

The one Haru wished for, was gone, it was like a part of him left. Haru parted his lips, speaking the name. It flowed off so smoothly, he wished that name would stay.


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