Chapter 2: The Coming

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"Commander Rozu, we are approaching Kyoshi Island ETA 40-Minutes."

"Excellent, so far so good."

*phone rings*

"Hello? Yeah? Oh, Alright. Sir, we just got a report, there is something approaching from the west."


"No, sir they say its a-umm reef moving towards"

"How fa-"

A huge splashing of water is seen just at the edge of the command deck window and huge black figure is seen, the Elderly Commander's eyes went wide, his jaws dropped and gasped.

"Spirits help us," he prayed.


"Avatar Korra, as you know that since Unalaq attacked the city, spirit vines has becoming a problem in this city. What i need is a way to get rid of them so my citizens can sleep at night." President Raiko demanded.

"Just made a speech about coexistence with the spirits now whiners complained about the spirits already." Korra mumbled to herself.

"What is that Avatar?"

"Nothing Mr.President, i'll get right on it," She grinned


At night Korra is looking out of her bedroom window, she turned her head when Asami approaches

"Hey, Asami," Korra called with a sad expression on her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Alot of things is wrong, i defeated the spirit of darkness himself but can't get rid of few simple weeds? I feel like a failure." She grunted and pulled her knees close.

"C'mon don't think that besides its only been two days since Raiko asked you to get rid of them and considering That spirits are very persistent creatures you can't just get rid of them that easily, The Avatar maybe powerful but she doesn't work miracles." Asami explained

Korra smiled from listening to Asami talking and understands her, no one has been able to do that not even Mako.

"Thanks Asami."

The aura and atmosphere between in that room went warmer and Asami's heart pounded in her chest, she stared at Korra, the moonlight is shining on her cute face making Asami blush and without much thought she suddenly leaned closer to Korra who is oblivious to what she's doing as she is staring out the window, then out of nowhere Korra felt warm nip on her cheek before Asami nearly ran out of the room.

"DID SHE JUST!?!?? KISSED ME!?!??!?"
Korra felt her mind exploded and her heart feels like jumping out of her chest on the thought of what just happened, she then sat on her bed thinking of her a little before removing her boots and went asleep.

The kiss maybe warm and comforting but the in her sleep dream is like a nightmare.

The atmosphere felt dark and sad, like a person reliving their worst and saddest memory. Korra is standing in a wooden hut, she saw a girl about her age walking into the hut. She has light skin almost like Asami and Platinum-White Blonde hair with a beutiful white dress, her expression showed an emotion she very familiar with, like the time when Mako broke up with her before she ran away on a boat.

Across her was a boy, he has quite the muscle to Korra's standards, mocha colored skin, almost reminding her of Mako from the stature. He is cutting some vegetables next to a cooking pot.

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