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A/N: Thanks for 1K reads!

"It's Zayn Malik we're talking about here, Louis!" Harry said with a grin. He was still ecstatic after Zayn had told him that he likes Harry and kissed him to prove it. Louis was working on one of his articles at his crappy office where Harry was sat on one of those chairs which would break in a couple of days. "He likes me; he likes Harry Styles. I love the sound of it!"

"Jesus Christ, Harry you little fuck." Louis finally said with a small smile on his face while pushing his reading glasses further. He stacked a couple of sheets aside and took out his phone, messaged someone before looking back at Harry. "Where's the party?"

"No party." Harry said with a snort. "Party after it gets serious."

"With you as one of the people in a relationship," Louis said with a warm smile. "Things will get serious."

"I like the sound of it." Harry replied with a grin. Yesterday was the amazing day which he would mark in his calendar. He had tried calling Niall but his phone was apparently switched off. Taylor was going to meet him tomorrow after breakfast so he decided to tell her then. Louis was the first to know this amazing news.

"How's your dog?" Harry asks when Louis was looking back at some papers. Louis office was a small one. It had a comfy table, three old chairs and few awards with certificates framed on the walls of the office. Louis was an intelligent man; Harry knew his office would be crappy yet have a unique feel about it.

There was a window behind Louis from where the building next to it could be seen. Louis being the natural pervert he is, swears he saw a female right opposite to his window stripping down at 11 pm when he had decided to stay over and he swears she gave him a show on purpose. Louis doesn't even know her name.

"He's having one of his stupid meetings today so we can't meet today." Harry said, disappointedly. Zayn had messaged him this morning telling him about the devastating meeting he has to attend in Atlanta regarding the profits of his company.

"Harry." Louis muttered, looking up at his best friend with those devilish eyes behind the thick black rimmed glasses he was wearing. Harry thinks he wears it to gain attention of one of the co-workers here named Sally who's into geeks. But, she's married. Louis cried about that one night after drinking hard.

"My dog is great and I don't really want to hear about your love life which doesn't really exist right now." Louis said with a grin.

"At least it's starting." Harry said. "Unlike some people."

"Ouch, okay." Louis muttered then turned back to his papers, glancing up at his laptop at regular intervals. Louis had been single for a long time, Harry doesn't even remember the last time he had hooked up. It was with some girl named Ronnie. And, it was years ago.

Louis had to go for an urgent, unscheduled meeting from the head of the department. Of course, Harry thinks with a groan when Louis tells him he can't make it to lunch with him. Harry leaves his office and wanders a bit around the streets of New York City before heading towards a restaurant for a meal.

Harry hates to eat alone. But he doesn't have much of an option here, so he snickers for a bit and orders a little for him to survive. He takes his surroundings into his brain. It's a pretty and little restaurant that he had been to a few times with some of his co-workers at his Aunt's company. There was a birthday celebrated here once which had been set up by Martin Cooper, one of his mates at Aunt Martha's company.

Then he sees it. It's them, they're here and they're looking around. They look different but a little happier since he had last seen them. Harry doesn't want them to notice him and even smile at him, because it's weird and it's not even been a long time since the 'incident'. Just a month and a half, or two months approximately.

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