Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lunch was pretty nice the next day, in fact it was amazing considering most of our food was captured and roasted from the desert. Sanji really was an amazing cook. However, suddenly a piece of meat decided that it wasn’t going to stick around any longer for it suddenly jumped up and raced off. Of course I wasn’t the only one who noticed because Luffy noticed the flying meat and raced after it, jumping from rock to rock in pursuit of the food.

I watched my idiot younger brother as my mouth fell open, seriously? I sighed and got up to follow Luffy. Knowing Ace of course I figured that he was going to probably follow the flying meat as well. As I passed Luffy who had lost sight of the meat I heard something. My ear twitched and I closed my eyes. Sending out my powers I was able to identify of course all of the straw-hat crew plus Ace but also two other blood-filled organisms just a bit up from here. However I could still hear them whispering.

“Sam, what are you doing stopping?” Ace asked as he showed up next to me.

"Shh, someone’s talking up ahead," I whispered, concentrating on the whispers from behind the rock. After I figured out that I wouldn’t be able to actually make out what they were saying I decided to get over the rock. Ace frowned from where he was but soon joined me.

Behind the rock sat two little boys,  who were hungrily sharing our stolen meat. From what we could hear from their talking we figured out that these two brats were from the badlands and by the way they had been eating it was obvious that they were starving.

"Our meat thieves are originally from the badlands, huh?" Ace said as he leaned a bit forward on our rock.

Of course the two boys received the shock of their lives as we showed up, but the older one quickly recovered. He pulled his shivering companion, whom I guessed to be his younger brother, behind his back as if to protect him. "Who are you two and what the hell do you want?" he questioned aggressively. It was obvious though that he was scared beyond belief.

Yet from behind the other boy's back, the smaller one must’ve felt a brave streak. "We won't give the meat back so don’t even bother asking for it!" It was hardly a threat though with the brat’s squeaky voice..

I grinned until the older boy pulled a gun from behind his back. "One movement and I’ll shoot you!" he yelled.

Now my jovial mood was gone, “Put the gun away brat. I could kill you without even touching you. In fact I really don’t even have to move.”

The boy with the gun blanched as his hands shook, “D-don’t play games! I’ll shoot you if you dare get any closer!”

I sighed and looked to Ace, “You take this one because I’m running out of patience.”

"Shishi," Ace chuckled, "Put the gun away kid, you’re not scaring either of us.” He was not a bit impressed by the gun or the kid that was holding it, then again should he? I was sure that it wasn’t loaded with seastone anything, and until that was the case, it really wasn’t that big of an issue for either of us. However the fact that a little kid was pointing a weapon meant to kill at us really didn’t sit well with me. What was with the world these days?

"Did you try it? Does it really shoot?" the smaller boy asked as his brave streak finally ran out.

"How would I know?" the older replied, his voice scared. "I never held a gun before!"

"Then just put it down," I advised of course now the brat had the damn gun pointed at my head. I watched his little finger pulling the trigger closer to him as he readied himself to shoot me. Would he have the courage?

Apparently he would for he fired the gun and soon enough a bullet was speeding toward my head.

The younger boy went to push the older boy to divert the bullet but he was too late. The bullet was already in motion, I knew that I could easily head off the attack but unfortunately my reaction time was still slow with my leg still being stiff.  Damn!

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