It's been a few days now since she cheated on me and she's been with 2 guys already. I'm never going to fall for a girl again I think to myself just before a new kid, a boy an Australian walks into the classroom. His eyes are incredibly blue and his cheek bones so defined. I can't take my eyes of him he's so, so gorgeous. I have to forcibly close my eyes. Connor what are you talking about?! Gorgeous are you serious? I let out a soft grunt and open up my eyes. Our teacher Mrs Tarken introduces him as Troye.
" Troye welcome to your new English class, would you like to take a seat over there?"she points right next to me and I can feel my heart beating faster "next to Connor" she adds. I swear under my breath, why am I so nervous? My best friends Grant and Megan giggle as they see how nervous I am. He takes of his bag and sits down beside me I've never had butterflies like the before, my heart is beating so fast I can almost hear it.
"Hello" Troye sais as he smiles
"Oh hey My name is Connor nice to meet you" I try to return his smile but nothing could compare to it, a smile that lights up his whole face, his eyes glistening in the light. I can't beilve this! what am I thinking? Connor get a grip, you are not gay.
"So um you're from Australia right?" I ask awkwardly"Yeah, lived there until I was 12 my grandpa was sick at the time that's why we moved over here to look after him and I've been living here ever since" he reply's a hint of sadness in his voice. The bell rings ending our conversation, just i walk out of the classroom i hear his voice " Hey Connor" he runs up beside me throwing his bag onto his back " can i, can i sit with you at lunch? i don't really, i mean i don't know anyone else" he asks quietly.
"sure" i say "let me show you around" I smile and this time, its real.
It's crazy, the way he makes me feel I know I only just met him but I can't stop thinking about him, his voice, his laugh and those eyes they're incredible, it's almost as if an entire ocean is trapped inside them I just can't get over it. My phone buzzes, A text from Troye.
"Thankyou Connor"
I smile before closing my eyes and falling onto my bed an image of him imprinted into my eyelids. A small sigh escapes me and I'm left wondering; why does he make me feel like this? why do I get butterflies whenever I see him?
One thought briefly crosses my mind.
Maybe I am gay.
I know that I've been with girls before, I thought that's what love felt like. But this is different, this is so much more. I grunt
"Love is confusing" I say out loud before turning off the light and attempting to sleep.