[Chapter Two]

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I flinched due to being dragged out of my own little world so abruptly once again.

I lift my head to see that Ciel was giving me a questioning look. "hm?"

"Lizzie is coming over tomorrow evening."

I mentally and physically groaned. "Ugh whyyyyy?"

"Stop whining, I know she's a bit much but you'll have to put up with it. I've told her to come because I have something important to discuss with her."

I raised my eyebrow. Ciel thought Lizzie was annoying nearly as much as I did so what was so important that he had to call her over?

Ciel saw the confusion melt onto my face. "It's about the wedding. I'm going to call it off."

I choked on the bit of asparagus that I was currently chewing. "W-what?" Yes Ciel thought Lizzie was annoying, but he also had a soft spot for her. Well at least I thought he did.

"I've just got too much going on lately and I just don't love her romantically. Plus, she's not my type."

This made me smirk. "Ooo so you have a type now?" I purred.

"In a matter of fact I do. What's it to you?"

"It's just you've never shown any sign of actually showing interest in girls. So what's your type?" I say while wiggling my eyebrows. This topic intrigued me greatly.

A hint of pink dusted Ciel's cheeks as he turned away. "None of your business."

I slouch in my chair. "Tch, you're no fun."

"His type is mysterious, elegant, not too outgoing and interesting." Sebastian said, appearing out of no where beside me.

In the past this freaked me out but I guess I'm used to it now. "Ooo Ciel, I never thought that would be your type!" I sit up and stare at Ciel's shocked face.

"SEBASTIAN! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS INFORMATION?" Ciel shook with rage and embarrassment.

"I'm just one hell of a butler" the tall man smirked.

The outraged raven haired boy stood up and began to leave the table and I of course got up to follow him.

"Ciellll, don't be like that." I grabbed the cuff of his coat which pulled him to a halt. "We need to saviour this night since this time tomorrow Lizzie will be creating havoc" I moaned.

Ciel's eyes softened as he turned to face me. "Fine, what do you suggest we do?"

"Hmm... How about we go out and explore the streets of London?"

"Fine, go put on a warm coat" the moody boy muttered.

After finding a black voile coat, I rush outside to see Sebastain holding the door to the carriage. He offers his hand to which I refuse, and I aboard the carriage. I sit opposite Ciel and next to the window.

The rain has stopped.

Sebastian got on shortly afterwards and sat next to Ciel. The journey was quiet, only the sounds of the busy street bustling outside and the sound of the horses hooves trotting on the stone pavement were to be heard.

These sounds.. Make.. Me so.. Tired..


I jolted my head up to see that we had arrived.

Graciously stepping off the carriage, I looked around at my surroundings. It had only just turned December but already people were charging around trying to grab presents and Christmas decorations had already exploded into place everywhere the eye could see.

Sticking close to Ciel's side as if he were a magnet and I was a slice of metal. I love seeing all the shops in London but I hated crowds. Being near Ciel made me feel.. Safe.

I did trust Sebastian whole heartedly but I didn't always feel safe around him however, I knew I could count on him whenever I felt troubled.

I gazed into the windows of shops like a child looking into a candy store whilst Ciel and Sebastian simply watched.

I suddenly heard a faint "meow" coming from a dark alley way.

I bolted towards the alley entrance which startled and confused Ciel. He followed me nevertheless.

As I walked further into the alley way, my breathing got heavier. This felt.. Nostalgic. Flashbacks quickly flooded my brain until I heard another "meow" up ahead. I shook my head, ridding myself of the painful memories.

I bent down and saw two gleaming, large, striking blue eyes staring at me. I hold out my hand and whisper "here kitty kitty."

Cats are beautiful. There are so many ways to describe them; curious, majestic, powerful, cute, mischievous. I could go on forever. Unfortunately, I am allergic to them.

Slowly, I felt the small presence come near me. Feeling the wet nose of the cat brushing against my fingers filled my body with joy.

By the time Ciel and Sebastian caught up to me, I was fully kneeling on the ground cradling the poor lost black cat.

Standing up, I walked slowly towards Ciel and whispered "I've found a new friend."

Before I knew it, the cat disappeared from my arms in a blink of an eye. "EHH?"

Ciel rolled his eyes and pointed at the mesmerised Sebastian hugging the cat behind him.

Angrily, I stomped towards Sebastian. "He's mine."

The demon looked at me with danger in his eyes however this did not fear me in the slightest.

Ciel sighed and turned his body to face us. "Sebastian, give her back the cat."

He reluctantly placed the kitten back into my small arms. Then a sudden thought struck me.

"Can I keep him? You don't seem to be getting any allergic reactions from him and neither am I."

Ciel thought for a while before finally deciding. "Fine, but you better keep it away from me and its your responsibly entirely."

Right on cue, Sebastian stepped in. "Master, I could help Lady (f/n) in attending to this beautiful creature."

"Fine fine, lets just go back home now."

Dumbfounded, Sebastian shot me a mischievous grin which made me poke my small tongue out at him.

We walked silently back towards the carriage and hopped on, Ciel sitting next to me this time and Sebastian sitting opposite.

The repeated sounds of the street sent tiredness back to me. My head slowly fell on Ciel's shoulder as my eyelids slowly began to droop.

Still holding the cat, I whisper just loudly enough for Ciel to hear "he resembles you quite a lot.. The black fur and blue eyes.."

Then suddenly darkness engulfs me once again.

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