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We walk to my front door. I unlock it and walk in. Right away my dogs are barking. "Rusty! Shhh!" I say walking over to them. "I'm sorry about them. They're not used to visitors." I apologize. "It's okay. I like dogs." He says with a smile. I remove the doggy gate and let them roam free amongst the house. They both make a bee line to Jacob. "They're getting to know you." I say. Rusty and Minnie are smelling and jumping on Jacob. "They're very hyper." He says while laughing a little. "Yeah, they've been behind this gate all day. They're happy that they're finally free." I say. He laughs. My dogs are finally calming down and start walking around, leaving Jacob be. "Rusty. Does he wanna go outside? He does! Come on, outside." I say, leading Rusty to the door. I let him outside. Minnie doesn't go outside she a pee pad in the garage. "Okay, so now that we're settled with that, wanna start?" I say. "Sure." He says. "Well, let's head up to my room. I have desk there that we can write on." I say. He gets up from the couch and follows my lead. "You have a nice house. It's very dark and comfortable." He says. "Thank you. My parents like to use dark browns and reds when they decorate. They say it gives a comfortable feel." I say. "They're right." He says. We get to my room and open the door. My room is clean, thank goodness. "You can put your backpack anywhere. My desk is right over there. Umm... Do you want anything to drink or a snack?" I ask. "A water is fine. And whatever you want on the snacks." He answers. "Okay. I'll be right back." I say. I quickly go down stairs. My mind is racing. He's in my room. Omg. Okay, just act cool. Don't make a fool of yourself. Just be yourself. I remember Mack say. I get a couple of water bottles from the fridge. Snacks, I forgot we don't have any food. My bag, there's food in my secret admirer bag. I grab the bag. Just as I am heading to the stairs I hear scratching at the back door. Rusty! I forgot about my dog. I quickly run to door and let him in. I have to take both of them upstairs with me now. We have a little basket that fits both of them. "Minnie! Rusty! Come on get in the basket. Good boy. Good girl." I say. I lift the basket and carry them up with me, along with everything else.

"Okay, I have the water bottles and some snacks. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I had to bring the dogs up here." I say. "No, I don't mind at all." He says. He's really nice when he wants to be. I get settled down and start taking out my paper that I worked during 5th period. "I finished writing my essay while you were gone." He says. "Oh. Okay. Umm.... I have a little bit more to go on mine. Let me just finish it up." I say. "Take your time." He says. He gets up from the desk allowing me to sit down, and he sits on my bed. I finish writing my essay a few minutes later. "And I'm done." I say. "Cool. Now what?" He says. "Umm... Well we need that picture." I say. "Are you gonna want to take professionally?" He asks. "No. No way. Again, that's ridiculous. In fact, we can just hang out and take the picture later." I say. I sit down next to him on my bed. "Alright. So what do you want to do?" He asks. "I don't know. Umm... I have some snack that we can eat. And we can watch a movie and our little theater." I say. "You have a theater?" He asks. "Just a little one. We turned one of our guest rooms into a little home theater. It's really just a projector, laptop, speaker, and a sofa. Nothing big." I say. "That sounds cool. We'll do that." He says. "Okay, well the snacks are in there." I say, pointing to the bag. He gets up and goes to the bag. "Isn't this your secret admirer bag?" He asks. "Umm... Yeah. Why?" I say. "I wouldn't feel right eating your snacks. They were given to you." He says. "It's fine really. I don't mind sharing. In fact, there's are no other snacks. My parents didn't get groceries before they left. So this is it. It's fine. Just take some." I say. "I don't know Maya." He replies. "Jacob, just take some. Yes, they were given to me, but I don't even know by who. They are mine and I want to share. Take some." I say, firmly. "Fine. Okay." He says. I nod. He looks through the bag and takes a small bag of Cheez-Its. Really? "Just bring the whole bag to the room." I say. He nods and picks up the bag. I walk to the theater room and Jacob follows behind me. "What movie do you want to see?" I ask. "Umm... I don't know. What do you have?" He answers. "Well, lets see. We have Grown Ups 1 and 2, a whole bunch of Disney movies, other comedies like Pitch Perfect, we have The Hunger Games Series, The Maze Runner, Scorch Trials. And any movie you'd want really. " I say. "Wow. Umm... I haven't seen Catching Fire yet. Do you have that one?" He says. "Of course. I'll put it on." I say. On the laptop, I click the movie. I turn on the projector and go to the sofa. It's a small sofa, so I sit next to him. "I love these movies." I say. "I like them too. They have a lot of action, so that's pretty cool." He says. I get a bag of chips and open them. "Now, you can't talk the movie is about to start." I say to him. He smiles and nods. The movie starts.

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