Why did you feel the need to stalk me? (1)

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I looked out the window from my flat which is across from the park and a block from Nandos. My first real day in London with no jet lag and no job so of course the good weather fades away. Why am I so hungry? And why am I craving Nandos on this rainy day? Whatever. I grabbed my blue polka dotted rain jacket to match my blue polka dotted rain boots, my keys, as well as some money and headed out.

I reached Nandos to find a line backed up to the door and paparazzi leaving their vans to stalk the entrance. The boys were probably in there. So I kept walking to avoid getting run over by eager 13 year olds that have no possible chance of getting my man away from me. I'm in love with those boys but Harry has always been special to me. Nobody else can have him.

I finally reached a relatively short line at a Starbucks down the road. I ordered my favorite white chocolate mocha and paid while waiting to receive my hot drink. I had the strangest sensation of somebody watching me. I discretely looked around the store to find nobody even giving a shit about me; yet the feeling still stayed. I casually looked out the window to see a hooded figure quickly turn around and walk away. It was really strange and I felt violated.

My name was called because my drink was ready so I took it, thanked the workers, and left in search of a Jack Wills. I pulled up a map on my iPhone and saw it was on the opposite side of the street 3 blocks away. The rain had slowed to sprinkling, so why not?

About halfway through my journey I could feel eyes watching me in-particular. I quickly turned around and saw nothing. ^Stop it Abbey, you're just paranoid.^ I thought to myself as I sipped the last bit my Starbucks and threw it away before I entered my favorite store.

I immediately saw the pair of high waisted black jean shorts I have been searching my whole life for! I grabbed a pair to try on as well as some mid-drift lace tops, a few pairs of jeans, and a dress.

The dress definitely worked. It was black, with a low scoop back and a bow at the base, higher neck line in the front and tight until the waist line where it became an A-line shape. It worked perfectly with the patent leather red pumps I bought yesterday! The high waisted shorts was the only other item that fit as perfectly as the little black dress.

I walked over to the counter dress & shorts in tow and swiped my card when that 'being watched' feeling arose again. I went into total stealth mode and discretely scanned the store when I saw that hooded figure. I recognized it as him because of the Ralph Lauren suede trench coat that wasn't supposed to come out until the launch of his new line which is in 5 months.

Mr. Suede Coat noticed I had spotted him and ducked out of the store. I was scared as hell about him following me, but I wanted to know why he felt the need. I took my bag from the woman and went after him. He was 50 strides ahead but I could spot that trench coat anywhere. He stopped momentarily when 4 other hooded males approached him, only to pick up his speed towards the London Eye with his recently involved company.

I followed him in line at the Eye to buy tickets but I knew I needed to be in the same pod or it would be pointless. They were already boarding and my stalker turned to face me after he got on first and smirked. When security wasn't looking, I hopped on at the last minute in their bubble with the door closing instantly behind me. I dropped my bag and started tapping my foot.

"May I help you?" The followers like to me in a sort of familiar British accent.

"Why in the name of Kevin are you following me?! Who do you think you are?"

He pulled down his hood to reveal a mop of familiar curly hair and he took off his sunglasses so I could see his beautiful green-gray eyes.

"Love, I'm Harry Styles, I can do whatever I want. You should be flattered."

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