Going Nowhere

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Feeling scared, I got up and left the house. I went to the park, it was only a few minutes away from the house. I sat down on a bench and tried to thing things through.

"Ye don't love yer brother! Well, in a brotherly way, but not fooking LOVE!"

I kept trying to convince myself that i didn't love him, but no matter how hard i tried, it wouldn't work.

"Well, if i do love Noel i'm gonna have to fuckin' tell him aren't i... for fucks sake." I mumbled to myself.

I walked over to the swings and slowly swayed on them, shouting.


"Liam? What the fuck you doin' rkid?" Shouted Noel.
He stood there in front of me, bags in each arm and a tired look on his face.

Fuck. How the fuck was Noel back already?! He was touring with the fucking Inspirals, next minute he's fucking stood in front of me! He wasn't meant to be home for another 2 weeks!

"N-Noel!? The fuck are YOU doin' 'ere? You weren't meant to be home for a while?!" I said, gobsmacked.

"Nah we finished early, the singer's lost his voice and hasn't been able to speak for days... So anyway, what are ye doing here in the park! Its fucking ice cold out here, lets go home ye daft bugger." Noel replied calmly.

Phew, he mustn't have heard me shouting? God knows how.

We both walked home, i helped him carry his suitcase.

"So, err what was that shit you were belting out back there? I'm sure me name was mentioned."

Shit, i wasn't off the hook, what should i say?!

"Was just shouting yer name because i missed ye that much." I replied, trying to cover up my anxiety with a cheeky grin.

"Oh kid... Come on lets get ye home."

As Noel stood in the kitchen making us a pot noodle, i lay on my bed upstairs with the door tight shut. I felt a horrid sick feeling overcome my entire body, but i wasn't actually going to be sick. It was nerves. I tried to go to sleep but it was too hard, voices filled my head telling me i was worthless scum, i should die, and that i don't deserve Noel as my brother. I grabbed a spliff from the bedside table and as it touched my lips i felt calm again.

"LIAM, YER TEA'S READY." I heard Noel shout up to me.


I chucked the spliff out the window and ran downstairs.
There was a chicken and mushroom pot noodle waiting for me on the table.

"Liam what the fuck, have ye been frigging yerself off!? Wash yer hands ye dirty bastard, and then yer fucking face or the sweat will flood the house!" He said, alarmed.

I must have been worrying so much that i broke a sweat.

"Fuck's sake Noel i do have some self respect! I was just...exercising. Unlike you ever do." I wittily replied.

"Yeah well i've got other more important stuff to do, i already look fit." He replied amused.

"Anyway, put wood in't hole and eat yer fuckin' tea before it gets cold."

So we both sat there together sharing stories over a pot noodle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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