Chapter Two

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" Come on, get up. Get ready they'll be her in a few hours. Come on Rebel, Toby get up please. ' I heard someone say as i was being shaked awake.

" I'm awake. " I said trusting around to get her to stop shaking me. So was Toby.

" Get in the shower and get ready. " She said throwing towels onto my head.

And with that I went to the bathroom across the bedroom Toby and I shared. Once I got to the bathroom, I locking the door. Stripping naked and stepping into the running shower.


Stepping out of the shower I could hear my brother moving stuff out of our room. I grabbed a towl, wrapping it around me. While I took another one to dry off my brown wavy hair that went down to my waste. Running a brush through it while it was damp because anyone knows that the number one rule of wavy/curly hair is to never brush through it when it wasn't wet. Unless you really had a thing for big, poofy hair that you wouldn't be able to tame.

When I finally had my hair all the way brushed through, i put some moose in it to keep it set. Dryed off my body and putting on my matching bra n' panties. Then slipping into hight wasted jeans that had the home made holes all over them. Thanks to me that is. Pulling on my grey Rolling Stones Muscle tank top. Along with a flannel and jean jacket.

Walking out of the bathroom and into the room Toby and I shared. I saw it bare and empty. It made me want to cry just at the thought that Toby and I had so many memories and mile stones here in this very room. But just as I was about to let tears fall, I was pulled out of it all by Toby pulling me into a hug.

" It's okay Rebel, you don't have to cry. " Toby choked out over his own tears.

" You can't tell me not to cry as you cry. " I said letting out a laugh over my tears.

" Shut up. " He said laughing as he walked away,

" Well we have little while before they come, wanna hear this record? " He said rather than asking me.

" What kinda question is that, if you're not even gonna let me answer. " I said with a laugh, as I walked over to the vanity to do some wings on my eyes and mascara.

Going back over to wear he was sitting. I gave him his boots and pulled on my classic black converse.

While listening to the record of Toby's I couldn't help but wonder.. ' what does this guy look like '

" What does this guy even look like? " I asked sitting up with my hands out reached for the cover,

" He's my idol. " He stated handing me the cover.

Once in my hand I couldn't believe who Toby looked up to. Talk about strange. Oh my lord. This guy was dressed like a girl but still had that guy look to him. But I wasn't a fan at all. His hair was god awful, and I knew Toby wanted to dye his hair that color orange as well.

" Oh My Lord, please tell me this... " I paused to read his name,

" This David Bowie guy is not your idol? " I stated not looking up.

" And what's wrong with me being his idol? " I heard a british voice say in response to me, it was new to me so it made my head shoot up. Toby following my actions.

" Well? Is there? " The guy with orange slick back hair and what looked to be to different eyes. One looked brown while the other looked bright icey blue.

" Did you just say you being his idol? " I said looking at him confused a little,

" Well since I am David Bowie, yes. " He said with a smirk,

Not knowing what to do, I held up the cover to compare. It was him.

" David darling, were did you wonder off to? " I heard a woman's voice boom off the wall in thenhall way.

" I'm in here Angie. " He said not taking his eyes off me.

" Come on Zowie. " I heard her say to someone as she walked into the room.

As someone walked into the room, I saw a woman with short blond hair and no eyebrows walk in. Along with a little kid with long blond hair.

" I found them Angie. " David said with a big smile, that showed his point like teeth.

I saw Toby back up away from David and closer to me. Not sure why, probably because I looked very shocked.

" So my guess it that, you're Toby. " David said pointing to Toby in which he nodded.

" And that leaves you to be Rebel. " He said looking at me

Thanks for reading, hoped you liked it.

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