Chapter 3

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Leo was in the living room watching Raph and Mikey play *need4speed: undercover* but they crashed their cars instead while Donnie walked around with pen and a notebook in his hands and his shell cell between his ear and shoulder talking to April about stuff they needed for Leo and then he ended the call "Okay, now it's off my mind and now...I have no clue of what to do..."

"You can save me from boredom!" Leo pleaded and got up but the second he got on his feet he lost his balance and almost crashed if Raph and Mikey hadn't dropped the controls and caught him, all four was shocked of what just happened and Leo's eyes grew wide when he tried to move his legs "Guys...I-I lost the feeling in my legs...guess that's just the cancer freaking me out..." He said but Donnie order them to get Leo into the lab which was now a habit. donnie used a needle to make Leo feel it but he didn't react to it "maybe if we wait a while and see if it wears of on it's own...It could be that Leo got up to fast.." Mikey said and got confused looks from his brothers but Leo agreed.

It was about an hour later that Leo got the feeling back in his lags and carefully walked around the lair to make them more used to it, but they were still confused "Has it happened before Leo?" Raph asked when they walked to the kitchen to have some lunch that Mikey made, Leo shaked his head and got to his seat just as Mikey placed the lunch on the table "Donnie! Lunch or I'll get Raph to carry you here!" Leo raised his eye bone and Raph chuckled and got up just as Donnie came in "Don't you move Raph!"

Raph shrugged and sat down and started to devour his meal while the others talked and got a update on Leo's condition but it was more to the cancer that Leo hadn't told them so Raph waited until the late hours before he surprise hugged a reading Leo from behind, Leo wasn't ever ready and would have jumped is Raph hadn't hold him "Raph you little..." "Hehe, hey Leo can I go top side for a 2-3 hours? Casey saw something that he wanted to check out but he need someone with harder knuckles"

"Which describes you perfectly! sure but don't get hurt" Leo chuckled and watched Raph head towards the door.

"That why I told Donnie to have the aid kit ready!"

"Just stay out of code 5!"

Raph stopped and turned around in confusion "Huh?" " 'Stay out of trouble that screams *back up!' " Leo said and smiled when he saw Raph's face now had a understanding look before he waved and the door closed "Was that Raph leaving?!" "Just missed him Mikey!"


The second the door to the lair closed Raph ran through the sewers and didn't stop until he reached a special arch tunnel and the he started to look for the hidden door *Gezz Leatherhead! Your place it better hidden then ours! I'm gonna have to call ya!* Raph thought and grabbed his shell cell and found Leatherhead, it took a few rings before the crocodile answered.

"Raphael, I haven't heard from you in a while...Only been reciving some updates from Donatello. How are you?"

"Well I ran the whole way here and now I forgot where your door is! Heck is better hidden then our place!" Raph said and heard a gentle laugh in the other end.

"I'll come outside...One moment"

Raph leaned against the wall and suddenly he yelped as he fell backwards and hit the floor, when he looked up he saw the crocodile still holding the shell cell and a hand on the lever "See what I mean by 'better hidden'?" Raph asked and got up while Leatherhead had a huge smile on his face "Forgive me my friend! I haven't realised it was so well hidden but it makes me feel much safer now, what is the cause of your visit?"

"Is it true that Leo went to you about a month ago and found out he had cancer?...I-I just want to know what I can do or get to cure him!" Leatherhead sighed and sat down at his desk while Raph remained standing and tried to find the right words to tell him the horrible truth "I think he already knew but he came to me just to be sure and when I told him he just said 'Figures'...He knew he was dying and he said he had suspected it for a month before coming to me" Leatherhead looked up in time to see Raph almost hit the floor in shock and placed him in a chair but he wouldn't stop shaking "All this time...He didn't tell us...was he waiting for it to hit full force?!" "He wanted to know if there was time to treat it and he still has 5 months! We might be able to find something...But I would rather do it with out Donatello knowing" Raph looked up at him and nodded.

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