Chapter 9

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Raph woke up and found him self in his own room and felt something wet on his forehead being removed and placed back, his cracked his eyes open a bit and found Mikey sitting on the edge of the bed with a bowl of cold water beside him and a small pile of comics which seemed to be about 3-4 piled on each other. Mikey was looking though one so Raph mentally changed that to 5 comics, until he wondered why he was back in the lair when he had passed out after seeing Leo.

"If LH has drugged me I'll flay him alive and then make a purse from him"

The mumble was enough for Mikey to hear him and looked at his older brother "That's what he thought too when we came to get you and he looked like he wanted to take the next ship to Scandinavian! Hahaha...He even said that the weather should be nice and warm until Donnie broke his dream and told him that it was winter there now and 6 hours between here and there but I don't think he listened" Mikey chuckled and put down his comic "Back to you...How do you feel besides the drugs wearing off?"

"Scared...What day is it and who are in the lair?" Raph said and held his breath.

"Well...Let's start with the people in the lair... *nod from Raph*...Okay, it's: April, Casey, LH, Splinter, you, me and Donnie. And I think Damio and his son has arrived, Usagi and to our horror Gen...Which reminds me I have to lock away my comics...Anyway um...Angel, Casey's mom...And...I have no idea of who else, Donnie has the list of the arrivals"

Raph sat up and tried the get the sleep out of his eyes "Geez, I'm turning older! not getting married for shell sake" He mumbled and Mikey exploded in laughter just when Donnie came in "I fricking hope not, but it's pretty much Splinter who is behind the invites and I'm just making sure everything is're the last thing on the list"

The older turtle was still getting the sleep out of his eyes and held out a hand, Donnie gave him the guest list and left the room. Raph was slightly surprised when he saw the list:

~Guest List~

April and Angel

Casey and Mrs. Jones

Usagi, Gen, Leatherhead

Damio and (what the heck the son's name is T.T)

Silver Sentry plus The Hamato Family

Secret Guest

"What the heck is he planning?" Mikey asked and snatched the list looking at the last one "'Secret Guest'? Can Dad get any more mysterious?! I'm still trying to figure out how he can see, hear and know everything through these thick walls!"

"I heard that Michelangelo!"

*Mikey point his thumb at the door* See what I mean?!"

Raph sighed and rested his forehead in his hands and tried to calm his breathing "Raph?" "I don't think I can meet them right now..." Mikey nodded and got up to tell Donnie who got back again, after having a quiet talk Donnie nodded and went to tell Splinter and ordered Mikey to remain with Raph. This day wasn't going to start as well as they had hoped.


Donnie managed to find Splinter among their friends and told him about Raph's behaviour "...I don't think the drugs has yet worn off so maybe we should give him another hour?" "Yes...After all, it was Leatherhead who gave him the shot" Splinter chuckled and got everyone's attention.

"I must tell you that if Raphael is late then the blame goes on Leatherhead"

Casey choke on his soda and brust out laughing "Oh what did you do this time big guy? Knocked him unconscious?" Leatherhead smiled but soon it faded "He did get a VERY bad heart attack when I told him what we found and I believe it was to much for him as he was already in such a horrible state" "I'm not really surprised, cause I would have died in a second" Donnie declared and bowed his head. They had all heard of the second tumour appearance and were glad that it was now gone, just as April was going to say something Mikey came down with a blind folded, duck taped Raph and the guests struggled to not lose control at the sight.

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