2 Dying

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The pain. The blood. Both blurred your vision to the point where you couldn't tell if you leaning on a slab of concrete, or a fallen friend. The man you once called Philip, the man you once called friend, reeked havoc on your sanctuary. On the prison.

You inhaled in short, quick, shallow breathes that could barely give you enough air. The only hand that was uninjured pressed against your stomach. The bullet went clean through you, but you were losing to much blood and you couldn't move your legs.

Carl saw you, your boyfriend, the boy you loved. The look on his face made you weep. It was like seeing his mother die all over again. Your eye lids drooped low, you didn't have the strength to keep them open.

He ran to you. He ran so quick, none of the bullets were quick enough to hit him. You weren't so lucky. "(Y/N)" he croaked, tears spilling from his eyes. He held your dieing body in his arms. "Stay with me, (Y/N)" He cried. "Come on stay with me!" He pressed his hands from against the gaping hole in your lower stomach.

"Carl..." You barely formed the word. It hurt like hell, but you wanted to say his name one last time. You needed to.
"No, no, (Y/N) don't do this to me!" he cried and pressed his forehead to yours. "Don't leave me. You'll be okay. You'll be okay I promise."

"Your right." You whisper quietly. "I'll be in Heaven." The words were hard to form, but you used every last ounce of strength you had to say what you needed to. "and I'll be okay." the tears fled from your eyes, burning the cuts on your cheeks.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He cried and held you closer to him. "I won't let you leave me too!" It was a change from seeing his tough guy exterior, to seeing him break. It made you hurt even worse.

You felt your life draining from you with every small gasp of air you took. Your end was seconds away. You mustered to the power to say one last thing. "I love..." then the world when black and you fell limp onto Carl Grimes's body, not feeling the pain anymore.

DAYUM! I'm sorry for being the devil guys. I just had to.

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