1 Leaving

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You grumble curses under your breath as you scribble down dialogue. You've been writing a lot recently, mostly books about zombies. You had always loved to write and you used to do it all the time on Hershal's farm.

"No one's ever going to read those, you know?" Said a familiar voice. Your stomach did turns as you looked up to lock eyes with Carl. You two have been best friends ever since the beginning. You comforted him when Sophia died, hell, you even kissed once at the prison. Now though he acts like he doesn't even know you.

Everything changed when you got here to Alexandria. Carl doesn't hang out with you anymore, he makes fun of behind your back to impress the other teenagers here snd the worst part : he's always with that slut Enid.

"Well one day when this shit ends, someone will." Actually you just wrote this stuff to get your mind off of him. You watched as he sat next to you on your bed. "Are ashamed of me?" you asked timidly. It was a reasonable question as you were three years younger than him. "You haven't spoken to me since we got here..."

Carl looked at the ground. "I'm not ashamed of you." he chuckled softly. His laugh made you shiver.

"Then why haven't you spoken to me? Why are you always making fun of me and leaving me for Enid and those other guys? I've been sitting here, watching Judith while you go off and play Romeo with some-"

"(Y/N)" Carl starts laughing. You have an embarrassed look, your cheeks turning red. "What's gotten into you?"
You put your journal to the side and sat up, moving to where you were right next to Carl. Your arms brushed, leaving it tingling. "We used to be so close..." you sigh. "We were best friends... Maybe even more...but now you torment me. You make me seem like a fool. We were best friends." Your tried to drown out the whole 'maybe even more' with other words, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"We still are." He put his arm around you in a comforting manner. You knew this was nothing more than a friend helping a friend, but you wanted it to be more. You always have. "(Y/N) your like a sister to me-"

"And you think that's going to help?" You scoffed, standing up. You crossed your arms and paced the room. "Carl I don't think you understand." You put your hand on your hip and looked into hah icy blue eyes. "You talk shit about me now. You havent spoken tk me in a month. You were the only real friend I had and now I'm alone with nothing but my books."

Carl became flustered. "(Y/N) calm down-"

"No Carl I won't calm down!" Your voice raises as you speak. You've never been this mad at him before and you've been wanting to say this for a long time now. "I left everything behind to be with you! I had to choose between safety and you and I chose you! I nearly died saving your fucking ass and this is the thanks I get?" You could see him brace himself, knowing you weren't done yet. "I loved you Carl but now I regret everything! I take it all back! I hate you!"

The two of you stared at each other in shock. You couldn't believe those words came out of your mouth. But it felt good. It felt reassuring. "This is goodbye Carl." you glare. "I'm leaving. Tonight. For good this time."

Carl stood up and stood directly in front of you. "You wouldn't." he crossed his arms over his chest. You tried to put on your best bitch face. "Watch me."

Your faces were only centimeters apart due to you trying to be tough. At the realization you blushed and took a few steps back. Shoving past him, you grab your hiking backpack from underneath your bed. "(Y/N) stop." his tone sounded hurt, sad. As much as it made you want to stay, you knew leaving would be best. "(Y/N)," he grabbed your upper arm. You spin around to face him. Your breath catches on your throat at how close you are to him. You were pressed up against him, his face close to yours. "Please... Stay."

For a moment you forget the words you were trying to say, lost in his eyes. You always loved his eyes. "Carl I-"

He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. It was a soft kiss, but slow and passionate at the same time. Reluctantly, you pulled away. He looked at you, his expression was begging you to stay. But your confused, alone, and desperate. "I'm sorry Carl..." you grabbed your bag and walked out. No one's stopping you this time. Your gone, leaving Carl with nothing but his guilt.


This was my very first imagine. Was it good? Was it bad? Was it meh? If there's anything I can approve upon please tell meh!

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