Chapter 3

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C H A P T E R T H R E E ::: Nothing's Fair In A Fight With Your Siblings :::

I directly ran upstairs after getting home from school. Tom didn't arrive with me, as usual. His buddies had after school "plans!"

I didn't know what on earth my brother and his friends did. And I didn't bother asking him either. As long as I was assured that Tom was not into drugs and these things, I was frivolous.

I opened up the door to my bedroom and, after ditching my bag near the foot of my bed, I flopped down on the soft mattress of my mahogany bed. I stared at the artificial stars on the ceiling, which shimmered under the sunrays that wedged in from the floor-to-ceiling window. My mother had glued those stars there when I was five and claimed that I had nightmares and couldn't sleep. My mother had told me to stare at the stars and imagine myself in a galaxy. I barely had nightmares then.

I smiled faintly at the anamnesis. Soon enough, I found myself being bored and decided surf through the newsfeed of my Facebook. There were a few notifications and two new messages.

Deciding to ignore the notifications which most probably were junk, I went to my messages. Both of them were from Josh asking me about the colour of my dress so he could match his tie.

I rolled my eyes at my iPad screen. Trust a jock to actually care about these things. Sighing, I informed Josh that I hadnt decided a dress yet.

His reply was immediate and short. Okay, it said.

Shrugging, I got up and changed myself into my PJs, and dragged myself downstairs. I made myself a sandwich and fixed myself a Coke. Then switching on the TV, I began satisfying my hungry stomach. Pretty Little Liars was on, so I settled back and happily watched the reruns.

I didnt know when I dozed off, the TV still turned on, but a knock on the door woke me up. I sluggishly mad my way to open the door and let Tom in. The sky is a fading blue outside, hinting the late time of the day.

"It's very late, Tom," I said.

"So?" he asked, settling on the couch and helping himself with my Coke that had probably lost its gas as a result of being kept in the open air with an opened lid.

"You don't even care about your little sister? That I'm home alone?"

He laughed. "I know you can take care of yourself."

"And how do you know that?"

He gauged his neck to regard me. With a smirk, he raised his eyebrow. "Who's baseball bat is under your bed, Natalie? I can't remember I even owned a baseball bat." He tapped his chin, impersonating that he was in deep thought.

Grabbing a cushion from the nearby love seat, I lobbed it at Tom. "Whatever! I'm going for a shower. If you want something to eat, then there's a sandwich I made for you in the fridge."

"Love ya, dear sis!" He shouted as I marched upstairs. I ignored him.

I took a very thorough bath, singing my heart out under the sprinkles of water that wiped off the remaining crumbs of sleep still left. Getting out of the cubicle, I dressed myself in my long, Tweety nighty.

I retrieved my iPod from my bedside drawer and settled on the bed with my book. Yeah, I was weird like that. I read and listened to music at the same time. So I took out Philip Pullman's The Northern Lights and got lost in the fictional story.

After reading approximately twenty pages, I heard Mom and Dad enter home. Abandoning my book and ipod on the bed, I ran downstairs to meet them.

"Hey, Daddy!" I hugged him affectionately. True, I was a daddy's girl. Sue me.

"Hey, Mum," I greeted her too with a kiss on her cheek.

"What's for dinner?" she asked, settling her briefcase on the coffee table, and taking a best simultaneously.

"Mum! You know I don't do kitchen!" I wailed.

"But you're becoming a big girl. You should definitely learn it."

"Never!' I hid behind Dad. "Right, Daddy? How am I going to write lots of stories and make you rich while I'm doing dishes?"

He chuckled. "Hmm...then don't do the dishes!" he shrugged simply.

"Mum, don't mind, Natalie has switched to her insane self," Tom snorted from where he was texting on his mobile phone.

"You tape your mouth, Tom!" I snapped, shooting a glare at his direction.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. This is not the way to talk to your brother," Mum scolded, shaking her head at me disbelievingly.

"It's his fault, Mum. Why is he interrupting?" I protested.

"Whatever the reason, you will not talk to Tom like this again!" Huh. Mum always took his son's side.

From behind Mum, Tom did a victory dance silently, and winked at me.

"Dad, wont you defend me?" I turned to him, giving him my most innocent face.

"Sorry, dear, your Mum's right this time," he raisesd his hands in a peace sign.

"Fine!" I turned to Tom, "Hey, big brother? Do you want me to massage your back and make you tea?" I said sarcastically.

He chortled. "Well, the idea's not that bad, little sissy!"

Stomping my feet on the ground, I moved past Mum and Dad and sat on the stool.

Life was so unfair sometimes.

All the time!

A Cray-Cray Happening (On hold! Editing in Progress!)Where stories live. Discover now