New School New Assholes

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She is wearing this outfit except she left her hair wavy.

"Nooo!"I screamed I ran "please no I'm sorry I won't do it again" I tripped and fell hard. I woke up screaming "I'm sorry daddy". I looked around in fear realizing I had fell off my bed. My brother came running in "are you okay Rachael". "Yeah I'm fine sorry if I woke you" I said while forcing a fake smile hoping he wouldn't see through it. "Are you sure I heard you scream." "Yea I only screamed cause I fell off my bed nice way to start the day right JJ" nervously laughing I got up. "Okay I have to get ready now bye". I shut and locked my door. I took a shower and started getting ready for school wondering what my first day would be like I hated the idea of being a new girl it was my senior year but we had recently moved to get away from things me only living with my brother now because my dad killed my mom and committed suicide. My dad was a reckless drunk and had recently gotten involved in drugs and dropped off the edge taking my mom with him. My dad was turning into a person I didn't know anymore he became angry and abusive and he scared me. Interrupting my thoughts I heard my phone go off it was my friend from back home Amanda texting me. It read good luck on ur first day I miss u already. I miss u to and thanks I just hate being the new girl. I checked the time and realized if I didn't leave I was gonna be late. I looked over my outfit one last time feeling satisfied and walked out to my car. When I got to school I walked to the office "um hi I need my schedule" "ahh u must be Rachael Formont" "yes I am ". She went in the back and came back with a piece of paper "here's your schedule dear" "thank you" I walked into the hall to start my search for my classes. Okay my first class is AP history. When I walked in all attention was on me "um hi I'm a new student" "ahh yes Rachael why don't you introduce yourself". I rolled my eyes I hated doing that "I'd rather not sir". His face showed annoyance " I don't remember asking Ms.Formont". I walked to the middle of the room "hi my name is Rachael I just moved here from North Dakota and I'm 17". I walked to an empty seat in the back and waited for the class to be over. The girl next to me kept looking at me like she wanted to say something but always decided not to then the unthinkable happened she spoke. "Hey I'm Blair, Blair Cannady " she smiled at me "hey I'm Rachael if u don't already know". She was a really nice girl really pretty to but you could tell she was shy. Turns out we had three classes together AP history, Honors lit, and Gym. I didn't have Chorus with her though. I walked to my next class which was chorus and when I walked in everyone was singing there was only like 5 boys in the class and like 20 girls. Turns out the teacher likes to put people on the spot which I love que the sarcasm. He decided to make me sing in front of the class it wasn't that I was bad I just got nervous in front of people. I choose to sing jar of hearts cause I remember the lyrics. They were shocked by me people kept telling me how good I was. I went to lunch looking for Blair since I have no other friends and she came behind me and screamed "Rachael!!" I turned around "omg Blair why did you do that" she just laughed at me "come on you should meet my friends." At the end of lunch I had Blair's, Kaitlyn's, Amber's,and Callie's number. The rest of the day went by really slow but now I was outside waiting for the girls because Amber wanted to go get froyo. I had my sunglasses on leaning against the school when a guy walked up to me. I'm not gonna lie he was very attractive. "Hey beautiful why haven't I seen you before" I scoffed and rolled my eyes great a cocky guy maybe if I ignore him he will leave. "Don't ignore me do u know who I am" " no I don't go tell it to someone who cares asshole". "Ooh feisty, how bout I do you a favor and take you out on a date." "How bout you do me a favor and fuck off " i smiled innocently before he could say anything my friends were screaming my name and I was laughing at them "hey guys what took you so long lets go."

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