Chapter Two

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"So what happened when you went home niyami?" Kymea asks as we walk down the street for school.

"Well she told me that I'm gonna have a new brother or sister...." I say sighing.

"That's exciting" Michael says.

"Only a means I get to put the blame on them for breaking something" I say shrugging.

"That's rude" kymea adds.

"It's do it to kymea" I giggle.

"At least you won't be so lonely now you big loner" Michael says. I hit his arm but it doesn't faze him, curse my weakness.


When we got to school we changed our shoes and got breakfast.

While eating it got really quiet, it was awkward. Then everyone started whispering and leaving.

"Geeze what's going on? It's quiet" Michael says.

I shrug and look at everyone leaving and see they're moving to the sides for someone. Then he appeared, a tall slender dark haired blue eyed boy walks in like he owns the place. Then across from us we heard a group talking.

"I heard he got into a fight with the upper class men doing the set for the play".

"Didn't he nearly kill one of the boys beating him?".

"Yeah, and the higher ups are to scared of his family to do anything".

As we listened to them talk he walked by and they instantly shut up.

Was this guy really that bad? And why haven't we seen him before?.

"Wasn't he just transferred here from Wisconsin a week ago?" Kymea asks.

"Wisconsin? America?" I say.

"Yeah, it's this creepy place with creepy woods called the slender's haunted by his father, the Slenderman" Michael says creepily.

Out of nowhere he was in front of our table, he slams his hands down glaring at Michael. "Why are you talking about my father?".

"Uh sorry, I was just telling them about you" Michael says.

"Keep his name out of your mouth!" He says.

"Dude calm down it's not a big deal" Michael says.

He reaches down and pulls him up by the collar, "it is a big don't say his name or I'll-".

"You won't do anything!" I say then cover my mouth.

He looks at me dropping Michael, "and who can stop me kitty?....certainly not you".

I cower down a bit putting my ears down, this guy was scary.

"Leave her alone" Michael says standing up.

He glares at him again and the room clears out. "You do not tell me what to do....I will kill you and get away with it" he says.

He goes to hit micheal but I hit him scratching his cheek, I gasp and cover my mouth. Oh shit.

He slowly looks over at me and I take off. I'm a dead man now! Worst mistake ever!.


After I sat in the bathroom hiding for at least an hour I went to class making sure I was in the clear. Never again, in my nine lives, will I do that.

I open the door slowly and the teacher looks at me, "you're late niyami".

"Yeah sorry....I got a little sick in the bathroom" I lie. "Ok...take a seat please" she says and continues teaching.

I go and sit down sighing, kymea was sitting beside me when she passed a note.

'Are you ok?'.

I look at her and nod and she nods back. I get out my stuff and get to work while Michael sleeps behind kymea.

I hope that guy doesn't have the same classes with me.


The bell rings, signaling its lunch time. My brain was ticking with math equations, puzzles, songs and techniques on how to solve or x. But on top of that I was more worried about getting in trouble with that Slenderman guy.


Kymea stops me, I blink a few times, "what?".

"You look tired and stressed out" she say with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah I guess I am a little...but I'll be fine....I just need a nice quiet place to relax" I say sighing.

"Go to that waterfall place and don't have dance today do you?" Kymea asks.

I shake my head, "I guess I could go".

"Alright....then after lunch leave early and head straight there, I'll tell your mom you stayed at school to help kids with their work and you'll walk home" she says.

I smile, "thanks kymea, you're the best" I say hugging her. And we head to lunch, I was starving.


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