Chapter Three

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So after lunch most kids left to go home, I had a long day and couldn't wait to relax and listen to the water.

Since traffic was terrible it took an hour to get there, but it was worth it.

The sight was still breath taking and even more flawless every time I see it. Absolutely beautiful.

I set my bag down in the bushes and walk over to the leaning tree sitting against it.

Listening to the wind and the water syncing with each other creating the most relaxing sound that would put anyone at ease.

I could fall asleep to this.

But I was snapped out when I heard footsteps. I looked around but didn't see anyone.

I stood up and looked behind the tree but saw no one, still.

When I looked back in front of me he was there, starring deeply into my eyes. I back up into the tree, "".

"Why are you here?" He asks his voice deep and scary.

"I....uh needed to get things off my mind...." I say.

He squints his eyes a bit then moves closer putting his hand beside my head, "you're that cat girl...".


He points to his cheek turning his head, "remember?". I nod holding my breath, what was he gonna do?.

He leans down to my ear, "I want to tell you something, kitty, don't ever touch me again or I'll murder your family".

His breath on my ear sends chills down my spine. I nod my breath shallow an hands trembling.

"Leave" he says.

As much as I wanted to I couldn't, fear took over and my legs wouldn't move.

He pulls away looking at me dead in the eye, "what are you waiting for?".

As much as I didn't want to tell him I had to, "I...I can't move my legs" I say.

His face softens up then he starts laughing. What?.

"The poor kitty's frozen with fear! How...pathetic" he says returning to his normal expression.

I growl, "it's not my fault....I'm a cat...cats get scared easily" I say.

"What, am I really that scary? Take a good look at me, I'm scary because people think I am, rumors spread and lies are made up to make the story even worse...if you want the truth then I'll tell you, but not a word is said about this" he says.

I nod slightly and he sits down, I go ahead and sit down too.

"This isn't going to take long so don't get comfortable" he says with a hint of sarcasm, "you may already know that I am slender mans son.....although I'm not his son by blood he has taken me in as his own, found me in a troubled position, being chased down by an angry mob at the young age of 6...terrible right? Well he stepped in and saved me and I watched as his things, I don't like them, kill all the people then disappear into the trees and all and he took me his place and I lived there till I found a way to escape and wander but he found me....always, then finally he sent me off here! He thought maybe living here might bring my normality back...ha! These kids think they're bigger than me, think again....but it's not like I wanna be like this, I want friends and a good shot at a normal life" he says with a bit of sadness.

He's good at hiding his emotions, I kinda feel bad for hurting him.

"But who cares, it's life and life sucks" he says and stands up looking off.

Nice change of emotion dude.

I stand up, "well that was interesting....but why act scary if your not?".

"Who says I'm not?" He asks looking back at me. I sigh, "well whatever...".

"You seem to have come out of fear" he says.

I guess I did...I feel a lot less scared now I know his story. But also his looks are nice. What am I doing!? Seriously? Keep it together niyami.

I sigh, "yeah I guess so...".

"Now you can't tell a soul or your soul will be mine" he says. I nod, "ok...I won't tell".

He nods, " scram kitty".

"Why do I have to leave?" I ask. "Because I don't like you" he says. "Then why did you tell something you don't others hearing?" I ask.

"Because you're the first person that I've actually got to speak to, but you're not special so leave now" he says flicking his wrist.

I make a face, "no".


"I'm not leaving" I say crossing my arms. He walks over to me and bends down a bit, "what?....". I put my ears down, "no?". "Do you want to die?" He asks.

"You're not the boss of me" I say crossing my arms again.

"That may be true but you will listen to me or your family will die" he says bling his hands up.

I just stand there looking at him, I can stand up to him now I know his story he's not scary to me.

He groans then turns and walks off, "whatever". "Ha, can't get through me anymore" I say putting my hands on my hips, this is funny actually.

"You know what just shut up you cat!" He says annoyed.

I giggle, "but it's funny seeing you annoyed..." And kinda cute.

"You're annoying! Leave already!" He says flinging his arms in the air. I giggle more and sink to my knees, "make me".

He stares at me a while then grins walking over to me and picking me up trapping my arms and walking to the entrance grabbing my bag. I wiggle around, "not fair!...I don't even know your name!".

"Christopher" he says.

Nice name, it suits him.

"Where do you live?" He asks. "Are you taking me all the way home?" I ask.

He nods, "give me your address".

"1221 south Crawford" I say. Then all of a sudden we were in front of my house.

He puts me down and he hands me my bag, "goodbye".

Once he disappeared I headed inside. Stressful day for sure, I'm ready for bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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