Embodying the God Within You

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To fully step into yourself, your power, your joy, your bliss, you must first learn to love ALL aspects of yourself, that means the BEAUTY and the DECAY. Learn to see how each is there to serve you.

When we feel weighed down or unable to break through, in life we must look at what weight we carry and the questions we bare to find a new view. This can mean MANY things. It can relate to weight you carry on your body, burdens you feel you carry for ourselves or others, fears that prevent you from doing the things you want to do, blocks that prevent new points of view, anxieties that stir, clutter in your home or debts we bare, to name a few, These weights and questions we have come in numerous form and take the shape of the lessons in which you are here to learn.

By transforming your perspective of how you see these weights you carry, you no longer allow these to "break" you or burden you, however you allow them to uplift you and show you how strong you really are. It allows you to stand taller, more confident, more assured that right now you are being shown how much muscle you have built, that you can carry these weights and REALIZE the story they hold and are here to share with you. You see how these lessons are there to serve you, to teach you and help you rise out of the ashes and ignite the burning flame inside to wash away everything that was "dried up" or "buried inside". This may mean shadows or it can mean the bright lights. Sometimes we experience these weights or pains or struggles, however you choose to label them, because we are igniting new gifts within us and powers beyond our belief to achieve, inspire and to create. These lessons, the ones that we realize hold gifts within, are meant for us to carry and carry well. Its all about your perspective and how you feel when carrying them. The weight you bare. You must learn to love your self, as each of these are truly aspects of your self, parts you have long forgotten ARE your skin and bone. Even if you perceive them as outside of yourself, they are still yours to "own". ​

So we ask you to see them as joys brought forth to us know and new opportunities to share. To find ourselves all over again and know that EVERY-thing was made from NO-thing. So these muscles we built can carry us forth into a new direction, offering us new hope. Rather, one should always know, that when you can love yourself and every aspect of your god-self. The one in all. You can transform these weights and see the gifts they bare. Learning to work with them, finding their purpose and how they benefit your immediate moment and the bigger picture. We are to see it from all levels, from inside and out, from the micro to the macro and the heaven and earth.

So when we are experiencing discomfort or are feeling "weighed down" ask yourself, are you there to support yourself? The answer is simple, it's Yes every time. If you realize it or not, you have placed people and places and opportunities around you so you can see just how bright you shine. We must first take hold of the discomfort and change it around, see the blessing in disguise. Each experience holds a gift inside, a new gift you bring to the world, your world, your moment in time. Through this transformation of the mind, the perspective and view, you can only then understand what is being offered up to you.

You see, this gift was a seed, an idea or inspiration in which you implanted upon this earth for it's own creation, along with providing an experience for you and others to flourish within. When a seed is planted it may feel a little discomfort at first, or maybe a feeling of too much weight to bare. Now picture this seed within the earth. It was once in the hand of "god" and placed into a tunnel for an opportunity to grow, however once it left the hand, the hand covered it up in mud. The seed then played there, in the dark and said to themselves... "I have no where to go!" (they forget the "but up!") so they laid there for a bit and sulked and whined and was scared to move. It was fearful it would never get out or have this "whole new view" that was promised from the beginning of it's time. So for a while, it began to decay, other insects came and fed from it's wealth of nutrition, it's own divine light, and the seed felt pain and discomfort, until it finally stepped up and said "Enough's enough. I was promised a new world and whole new view too. I was promised a way to give birth too." So it tossed and it turned, it moved around a lot. It felt the hardened shell, this protective layer it built to keep the bugs out, but when it realized that it was part of a bigger picture, an eco-system, it broke out in laughter.

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