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Harry followed Louis into the hallway, just opposite the stairwell and elevators. Louis shared a look with both the detectives before speaking.

"Now, the automated recognition took a little shorter than we thought and there's a very good reason for that." Louis handed over both the files to both the detectives, Harry and Liam both flipping them open to look at the information on the pages. "One of them is registered to Colby Lopez, a local bar tender at the bar down the street; I've sent uniforms out to pick him up on his lunch break however the second one is where it gets interesting." A shit eating grin found its way onto Louis' face as both officers lifted the paper to look at the results of the second car.

"Alexandra Harper?" Liam read it out before Louis could even get a chance. "That's the name of our survivor."

"Thank you detective, I'm sure no one made the connection." Harry rolled his eyes, looking perplexed down at the file in front of him.

"Alright, so why would her car be at our crime scene?" Liam asked out loud, not really looking for a particular answer.

"See, I ran that too." Louis caught the attention of both detectives. "Turns out, she'd reported the car stolen on the night before she had been abducted. Someone stole her car and I'm thinking, judging by this, that they are now using it as their getaway vehicle." It made sense to Harry; that would have been why she walked several blocks from her house to his the other night when she had found comfort in his warm home.

"I'll go and talk to her." He handed Liam his own file and thanked Louis before heading to the elevators.

Alexandra was sitting alone in her own house when a knock sounded at her door. Slightly panicked, she muted the TV in front of her and made her way to the door with cautious steps.

"Alexandra? It's Detective Styles." A sigh of relief flooded through her before walking faster to the door and opening it.

"Harry, why are you here?" She wanted to ask how he knew where she lived, but then she remembered who he was, of course her address was going to be on file.

"We have some new information on your case and I was wondering if you would be able to help us out." Harry accepted the invitation into her home and stepped inside; the smell of vanilla hitting him. Her home was spacious and incredibly modern although there was a certain aesthetic that he was getting from her.

Her cream leather couch was covered by a pale blue floral throw and her coffee table was immaculate white; no stains or mug rings could be seen. "I wanted to talk to you about when you reported your car stolen." Harry accepted the offer of a seat on the couch and sat on the edge, looking towards her as she sat on the other, similarly decorated couch next to him.

"Why would you want to talk to me about that?" Alexandra was a little perplexed by the new reveal of her police report coming up in conversation in succession with her case.

"Like I said, we have some new information and I'd just like to go over the small details with you." Alexandra seemed to accept Harry's answer and tucked a stand of straight red hair behind her ear.

"Well it was a couple of nights ago, the night before I got taken," Alexandra stopped for a second and cleared her throat before continuing. "I remember because I had to call a cab to take me to the bar. It was an extortionate price for such a short ride." She laughed a little but Harry assumed it was out of discomfort rather than anything else. "I haven't heard anything back yet so I'm assuming it is now involved in my case." Not your case specifically. Harry thought, although decided to answer with a simple yes.

"It's been linked to a recent crime and we just wanted to follow up on any new information we've discovered." Alexandra nodded and fiddled with her fingers. "Do you have any idea who would have taken your car?"

"Not really no; but there was this one guy that had been lurking around the neighbourhood for a while." Alexandra shrugged and leant back against the couch, biting on the end of her nails.

"Do you know this mans name? Maybe what he looked like?" Harry pulled out his notepad and pencil waiting to write down anything that Alexandra could tell him.

"I didn't see his face so I don't really know who it is. But he was tall, dark clothing, looked quite muscular. I'm sorry I'm not much help." A disheartened smile came across her face as she watched Harry right down everything that she had said. "Harry," He looked up at the mention of his name, pencil mid word. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He had to admit, he was a little confused at the question, but then again he had come here to ask her a similar thing.
"I don't think I'm doing anything." This was new territory for Harry; he couldn't just presume that she was about to ask him out herself but yet he found himself a little nervous.

"There's a new restaurant open down the road, would you like to come to lunch with me tomorrow afternoon?" She too seemed nervous, although Harry knew he was going to be working for lunch. He never took a proper lunch break; always too busy trying to get a confession out of a suspect or too busy looking over this killers file.
"Make it dinner. I can pick you up at 8?" Harry wasn't quite sure where his confidence came from. When it came to giving evidence on the witness stand in court or interrogating suspects; his confidence was through the roof. But now, in front of Alexandra, he found himself incredibly nervous. This woman seemed to have this effect on him.

The smile that had found its way onto her face answered his question for him, leaving him no other reason for him to be there. "I have to get back to the station, but I'll see you tomorrow night." He smiled a little and let himself out of her house, letting out a breath when he was safely away from the front door.

At least Liam was going to be buying his next 'lunch' for him. It was usually just a sandwich and coffee from the canteen, but Liam buying had saved him a good five dollars.


This chapter was so much better in my head, sorry if it wasn't very good. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think :) ~ Gemma x

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