Popping the question

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It's been 2 years since you and MeyRin had started dating. You two still worked at the Phantomhive manor, not having enough money for a life of your own, and you two loved working there. MeyRin was being kind of distant lately, you wondered if you had done anything wrong, so you decided to ask. You looked around for MeyRin. You started in the kitchen, then went into Ciel's office where you saw something you didn't want to see... (SebaCiel) You then went into MeyRin's room where she was sitting on her bed holding a small black box in her hand, staring at it. As you opened the door here eyes fixed on you and she quickly hid the box. "Oh, hello (Y/N)! What are you doing in here?" 
MeyRin asked with a small amount of worry in her voice. "Well, MeyRin, you've seemed quite... Distant, lately. I just came to ask why..." You responded, getting quite nervous about how she would answer. MeyRin sighed deeply, "I guess I should just ask," MeyRin then got down on one knee, "(Y/N), will you marry me?" You started to tear up, "YES!" You screamed in delight, you then ran over to MeyRin and hugged her tightly. "Well, we should celebrate this special occasion." MeyRin said sexually, picking you up bridal style. (BTW, THIS IS NOT PORN! XD) You blushed a deep scarlet as you were laid down on the bed. 

                                                                              -The Next Morning-

You woke up, the first thing you noticed was a naked MeyRin fast asleep next to you, then you noticed how sore you were. You remembered the events that had taken place the night before, and began to blush as you felt warm arms wrap around your torso, "How about a round two, my sweet little (Y/N)?"

                                                                              -In Ciel's Office-
Ciel was very sore from last night's events, just like you, but his anus hurt more than yours. His chair was drenched with sweat and a once sticky substance that had returned to its liquid form. Sebastian stood by the desk, smirking at the young child, "Did you like that, young master?" Sebastian asked. "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP SEBASTIAN I FUCKED YOUR DEAD NAN!" Responded Ciel, he was quite butt-hurt... Literally, and figuratively.

HEY GUYSSSSSSS!!!! SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FAKIN' FOREVER! I have just been busy... And by busy I mean I was watching tit-loads of anime and playing a lot of Undertale. Well, I hope this satisfies you people for a week, I'll probably update my yuri one-shots... Actually, they aren't one-shots because the Belarus one has 2 pages... I'LL UPDATE MY YURI BOOK THEN! XD Well, I hope you guys enjoyed...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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