Day 7

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Brenda's Perspective (Diary Entry about event)

Today is day 8. I am sitting on the boat going home, right now. It freaks me out how much we have all changed. Yesterday was the most shocking thing I had seen.

Julia is the shyest person I have met. The first time we spoke and for weeks afterwards she was always really quiet, but then she became more comfortable and I saw her real self. Though yesterday was the first time I saw her evil side. I gasped when I saw it happen.


Out on the beach it was pitch black, no stars in the sky, no moon to be seen. We had to make a second fire just to see as we had no torches. Julia and Benny were by the brand new fire having a normal conversation while Carl and I were at the original fire. Suddenly we heard shouting so we turned to look what was going on.

We realized Julia was mad at Benny; then out of the blue Julia picked up a sharp stick and stabbed it into Benny’s chest. You could hear his skin ripping and blood gushing out of the wound. Within a minute Benny was lying on the floor, no breath coming from him. He was dead.

I couldn’t believe my eyes and then Carl ran for Julia. He tore the stick out of Benny’s body and started slashing at Julia, screaming at her at the top of his lungs, “You killed him. You witch. Now it is your turn to die.” Before I even thought about what I was doing, my hands were on Carl’s shoulders. I heard him whisper, “Please Brenda. Don't do it” and then I pushed him into the fire. His cry was so high pitched, the screeching hurt my ears. Tears came flowing out my eyes. What did I do? What did this island do to me? I just had to protect Julia. Killing to protect though was outrageous of me, I should have never done it.

For hours me and Julia just sat by the fire as Carl's crys kept going. As soon as the bellow stopped we noticed a ship coming towards us. We were being rescued. Why couldn't the ship have come earlier? All we could do was walk to the shore line. We stood there arm in arm and just waited. Guessign the smoke of the fire burning Carl's body, had caught the attention of the ship. Our old selves were left behind but we were just glad to finally get off the island.

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