Chapter One

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My name is Hydley I'm a viking living on berk. I'm different then other vikings, I beieve that vikings and dragons should live in peace. Nobody believes in me exept my mother who believes the same, even though her friend Valka got kidnapped by a dragon. She says that Valka was the chiefs wife, and she trusted her ideas and judgement that dragons were kind and gentle creatures.

I've never been noticed as anything other than a nuisance. Today is the day I change what, change what other people think of me. At least that's what my dad said, he signed me up for dragon training. If I wasn't forced to do it I wouldn't. Everyone here thinks I'm crazy, I'll probably get beat up as soon as I step into the arena.

My dad pushes me into the arena and everybody looks at me. "Oh look who it is dragon girl." I hear Tuffnut say, I just role my eyes and look back at the entrance for my dad but can't find him. I groan and turn around to find everyone starring at me. They looked like they were going to kill someone, most likely me. "Welcome to Dragon Training!" Thank you Gobber you saved me. "Let's get started. The recruit who does best will have the honor of killing their first dragon infront of the    entire village." "Hiccup already killed a night fury so does that disqualify him or..." Snotlout was then cut off by the twins snickering. We walked up th the cages and Gobber started talking again "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight." Then he starts to point at the cages nameing off dragons. "Deadly Nadder, Hiddeous Zippleback, Monsterous Nightmare, Terrable Terror. Will you stop that" he yells at Fishlegs. I hear roaring and squeaking from behind the doors. "And the Gronkle." He reaches for the lever. Snotlout freaks out telling "wow wow wait aren't you gonna teach us first?" Gobber just smirks and says "I believe in learning on the job." He pulls the lever and everyone runs. "It's about survival, if you get blasted your dead. Quick what's the first thing you're going to need?" He yells. "A docter" Hiccup yells. "Plus five speed" yells Fishlegs. "A shield" yells Astrid. "Sheild. Go!" I hear Gobber yell over all the noise. I rush and grab a sheild. "Your most important piece of equipment is your sheild. If you must make a choice between a sword or a sheild, take the sheild." I look over and see Ruff and Tuff fighting over a sheild. I role my eyes, that is so typical of the twins. They fight over everything. The gronkle shoots the sheild the twins are holding so their out. "Those shields are good for another thing, noise. Make lots of it, it will throw off a dragons aim. All dragons have a shot limit, what is a Groncles?" "Five" Snotlout yells. "No six" yells Fishlegs. "That's right six, that's one for each of you." Then Fishlegs got out. The Gronkle almost hits Hiccup but he dodges, barely. Then Snotlout got out while flirting with Astrid. So it's just me, Hiccup, and Astrid. I decided to grab a hammer just in case. I turn around and Hiccup is pinned to the wall and the dragon was about to shoot. I don't know what came over me, I ran and hit the Gronkle with the hammer. It for knocked back but not by much. I start to run with it close on my tail. When I tripped and fell, next thing I know is the dragon is about to shoot me when Gobber pulls it away just in time. Then puts it away saying "go back to bed you overgrown sausage." He walks back over and says "remember a dragon will always, always go for the kill." He lifts me up and walks away. While everyone else went to the great hall, I went for a walk. Hiccup was being really weird today, after Dragon Training he ran off and disappeared. I guess I could go looking for him. I mean he's not very strong, he could get hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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