Chapter 1: The Soldier

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It was midnight at the base of the UAF located in Turkey when one of the soldiers by the name of James McColl woke up when he heard what seemed to be an air cannon. He walked out of his tent to see what it was but when he looked up he saw what seemed to be a mortar separating into smaller explosives. James realized this and ran towards his tent to wake up everyone, but the sound of an explosion woke up all of the soldiers and soon after the sirens went off. James ran outside and witnessed the disaster, 2 of the military vehicles were destroyed and 1 of the tents was caught on fire, burning everyone inside it. James, listening to the screams of his companions and watching the blown up cars, didn't pay attention to the lieutenant until he got shot. The sound of the gunshot startled James and when he turned around he saw an entire army, the Humans.

James ran to cover next to another soldier. The soldier handed him a pistol and ordered him to shoot the enemy. When James rose from cover to aim he got shot in the arm which made him fall on his back and grab his arm in pain. The soldier, preparing a grenade, ordered him to stand up, but one of the Humans shot the grenade in his hand, killing the soldier and severely injuring James. James got disoriented by the blast and when he looked at the soldier he knew he was dead. James tried to stand up but some of the fragments from the grenade went to his leg. James started to crawl to a group of soldiers in order to get medical attention, but a grenade landed in between the group. James stood up and jumped towards the grenade. He landed on it and the grenade exploded underneath him.

James slowly started to recover consciousness, his head hurt and he couldn't feel his left arm. As he looked around he noticed that he was in a white room as if it were a hospital, he then noticed a mirror on his right side and a camera on one of the corners of the room. He tried to stand up but noticed that he was strapped to a table, he couldn't even move his head. "What the hell is going on?" thought James, but he heard a door opening from behind him. "Pleased to meet you Pvt. James McColl, I'm Dr. Jerome Teverant." said the man with a white coat in a heavy French accent, "I hope my English is good enough for you to understand."

"Where am I? What do you want from me?" exclaimed James.

"Calm down, James. We work for the UAF and we just saved your life." Responded Dr. Jerome.

"You... saved me?"

"Yes. You were found on the base in Turkey near death. Your body was torn, showing exposed bones and some organs. Your upper right leg and the entirety of your left arm were extremely damaged and the right side of your head was damaged severely."

"Why are you telling me this?" said James, a little panicked.

"We had to make some changes to your body in a very drastic way. The parts that I just mentioned were so badly damaged that it would've been impossible to recover from them alive, so we had to completely remove them and replace them with cybernetics."

"You did what?!" exclaimed James as he started to shake in panic.

"I need you to calm down, James. I'm here to help you recover from your experience and adjust to your new body. For now, I'm going to release the restraint from your head so you can look at your body, I'll also place a mirror so that you may see your face."

Dr. Jerome removed the restraints on James head. James looked down and saw that his chest was completely replaced with a metallic body. He looked at his left arm and saw an odd mechanism that didn't resemble an arm in any way. As he looked in the mirror, he saw that the right side of his head was replaced with a robotic looking head. "This can't be true." said James in a scarred tone.

"I shall release your right arm." said Dr. Jerome. As James's arm was released from the tight restraints he began touching his chest, slowly a horrified face was forming on his face but he was able to hide it from the doctor. He moved his and across to touch his now robotic left arm. "Why would he give me an arm that barely resembles that of a human?" thought James, "How will I explain this to my family?"

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