Chapter 3: The Lost Child

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A girl wakes up, she tries to move but she can't seem to feel anything, her vision is blurry but she tries to look around the room, everything looks dark. She hears a sound from behind her, a door just opened and footsteps can be heard slowly walking towards her, "Where am I? What have you done to them? Why is everything so dark?! I know you kidnapped me but for being an organization you sure do have a low electric budget."

"That's odd, I thought this room was a bit too bright." answered a voice of a man, he seemed to have a British accent, "Well maybe I shouldn't expect so much from a girl who recently lost her ability to control her nervous system."

"Ha ha, very funny, now please stop screwing around and let me see my friends before I go over and bitch slap the hell out of you."

"You mean the wannabe Robin Hood and the weird mutt person you just met for about two hours? They're being kept for reasons I'm not allowed to say."

"You're a real piece of shit, aren't you?" said the girl as she tried to move once more, "Once I'm out of whatever gooey container you have me in I'm going to kick you so hard in the nards you're gonna... What the hell kind of spell did you put on me?"

"It's not a spell dear, it's a little something we like to call nanobots. Remember that promise you made? What am I saying? Of course you do, that was only a month ago. We implanted nanobots into your nervous system and, considering how quickly we did it, I'm surprised you survived."

"Wait, you weren't joking about that?" Her voice shook as fear began to take over, "Is this the same shit you did to my brother?!"

"No, he was granted different enhances that are inferior to yours." The girl tries to follow the man around but her vision is still too blurry and her neck won't allow her to move her head, "I have to say he's a very formidable soldier. For being ranked average during his time training in the military he's accomplished some very impressive feats after his modifications: Defeating entire squads, saving dozens of footmen from the line of fire, even being able to capture some of the commanders of the Humans."

The man stands next to the table where the girl is being held, he then starts to slowly lean down and go towards the girl's face, "But he's merely a man with primitive enhancements granted by old technology, but you, my dear, will be better! You will have the powers of a god! Able to control these robots to your will and defeat everyone effectively and with grace! You shall be perfect!"

His hand touches the girl's face and starts caressing her face as a smile slowly forms on his face, the girl panics and tries to move but her body won't allow it, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

The man keeps smiling and slowly straightens himself, "You have quite the mouth, Ms. Eagleton, or do you prefer McColl?"

"Just tell me where my friends are!"

The man chuckles at himself, "Why obtaining information and throwing in a few experiments here and there."

Thoughts of desperation and anger start to form in the girl's head, she tries to move but nothing seems to be working, "YOU BASTARD!"

"Now don't be too harsh on me, this is just something the UAF has ordered me to do. Trust me, they are completely fine... well, mostly fine. But they'll be much better if you do exactly what we say."

"WHAT?! After what you've done to James?! I'm not the best at school but I'm not a dumbass!"

"Do you remember what I said earlier? You know, the nanobots that we, the same organization responsible for the transformation of your dear brother, installed in your nervous system. Well, we also have the power to cause the same effect on you, but I was able to convince them otherwise. I gave you a chance to still have control of your mind and body and if I wanted to I could activate that setting. So let me repeat myself, do as I say and your friends will be released."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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