Chapter 1 - Best Friends

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  • Dedicated to Bronya Bird

'Oi, Annie. Get your bum down here now.' My older sister Bronya shouted up to me.

'Yeah, Ok.' I reply running down the stairs to get my tea. Bronya's 20, and well she's a mother figure to me and George our little brother who's 10. I myself am 16 and my name is Antoinette, Annie for short. I know what you're thinking, a french name for a british girl. Well there's a reason for that. I have a different dad to Bronya and George, he's french. Our mother had a one night stand with a french guy and so her I am. She decided to give me a french name because of my being half french. But recently our mother ended up in a car crash and she sadly died, our dad, well  lets just say he's always away with work. Like he doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. 

I eat whats on my plate, get up put it on the side and turn to Bronya, ' Thanks for tea Bron, it was delicious.' She's always been an amazing cook, before mum died she used to help her make tea and cook cookies and cakes. I only step foot in the kitchen when i'm eating and when I want a drink or to get a snack to eat. I don't dare cook, the last time I almost burnt the kitchen down.

Me and my family live in a place called Bushbury in Wolverhampton, my best friend is Liam Payne, yes a boy, the boy that auditioned for X-Factor in 2008 but got knocked out at the judges houses stage. That was the only X-Factor I watched because Liam was in it, as soon as he was out I stopped watching it. Liam told me he's going to audition again, I really don't want him to get rejected again. It hurt him, I was the only person who could see that. I mean he has an amazing voice and he doesn't get through, it doesn't sound right. He keeps telling me I should but I don't think I'm good enough, I don't wanna go on a tv show and get rejected because certain people don't like the way I sing.

Most the time he just rehearses his audition song Cry Me A River. His voice is perferct for it, I love it when he sings infront of me, if I know the song enough I'll join him and sing along, I guess we sound alright together. He tells me over and over again to stop putting myself down because I always say I can't sing everytime someone compliments me.

Me and Liam have been been friends since the start of high school in 2005, we were put in the same form and we started talking and hit it off straight the way. At first I did actually have a little crush on him and we did actually go through a stage of dating in year 8/9 it was good and when we broke up we came out closer then ever, we were more than the best friends we were before, i think it was because we got so close, spent so much more time together, found out things we didn't know about each other. I love him, but as a friend.

He's going to the audition tomorrow so he's coming over tonight to rehearse with some help. I wish I could go with him, but he promised me he'd ring me as soon as he knew whether he got in or not. I couldn't help but be hopeful for him.


Ok guys sorry it's so short, it's just a starter to see whether you like it or not..

let me no what you and comment..

Love you monkeys :D

-Crash <3 x

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